Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 999: Zhao Guangyuan might kill her

   Chapter 999 Zhao Guangyuan might kill her

  He Xiuqing has slandered others before, this is the first time, and felt the pain of being misunderstood.

   She cried: "It's really Wang Zhaodi! Is there anyone else besides her? You also heard the security guards say that that female lunatic is Wang Zhaodi!

  I don't know why she did that, but it's really her, Guangyuan, you believe me! Am I going to lie about this? "

   Zhao Guangyuan just sneered.

   This kind of thing, shouldn't it be more to lie?

  If He Xiuqing was really touched by another man, would he dare tell him?

   This woman is really fooling him as a fool!

   Zhao Guangyuan became more and more angry the more he thought about it.

  Many men are like this, they can touch other women, but their women must be like jade, and must not be touched by other men!

   Zhao Guangyuan is very macho, and naturally he also has such a problem.

   He got angry when he saw the fingerprint, so he moved his hand directly.

  Because he was angry, he didn't make a big move.

  He Xiuqing bit her lip and did not dare to cry out, but tears kept flowing.

   That pear flower with tears made Zhao Guangyuan even more excited.

   By the time everything was over, He Xiuqing had no good skin left, and even had tooth marks on his face and neck.

   She lay on her back in pain, only to feel the pain all over her body.

   Zhao Guangyuan is too rude, she has never met a rude man like him before.

   But she has no way out. Unless Zhao Lanting comes back, or meets a man more powerful than Zhao Guangyuan, she will have no way to leave the Zhao family.

   She still owes Zhao Guangyuan so much money, if she doesn't pay it back, he will never let her leave.

   If she dared to leave, Zhao Guangyuan might kill her!

   He must be able to do such a thing!

  He Xiuqing became more and more desperate the more she thought about it, and her tears kept flowing.

   Zhao Guangyuan, who was lying on the side, had a contented expression on his face. He turned to look at He Xiuqing, and when he saw her face was full of tears, he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

   He said with disgust, "Why are you crying? Are you still wronged by me?"

  He Xiuqing did not dare to admit it, so he choked and said, "I'm just worried about Tingting."

   Zhao Guangyuan said impatiently: "What does she have to worry about? Don't worry, the hospital is very safe and everything will be fine!"

   He doesn't like Zhao Yuting now, he just thinks that Zhao Yuting is a veritable disaster star!

  Thinking of the son in the dream, he put his hand on He Xiuqing's abdomen again: "Help me have a son? No, one is too few, let's have more."

   Speaking of this, Zhao Guangyuan suddenly remembered something.

   He and He Xiuqing haven't received their certificates yet!

   didn't put any wine.

  He Xiuqing's external identity is only his family's nanny.

Before   , he thought about getting used to it first, and if He Xiuqing couldn't do it, he could still be replaced.

   After hearing what Zhao Yuting said, he suddenly felt that this was not safe enough.

  I have to get the certificate.

   Otherwise, wouldn't He Xiuqing be able to run away at any time?

   And with a marriage certificate, it is more secure. Otherwise, if someone secretly reports him for messing with men and women, he will be finished!

   So Zhao Guangyuan said again: "When it's dawn, let's go get the marriage certificate."

  He Xiuqing hesitated for a while, but agreed.

   If she doesn't get the certificate, Zhao Guangyuan can drive her out with Zhao Yuting at any time.

  With the marriage certificate, she and Zhao Yuting can also be safer.

   At this time, she didn't know yet, and reform-reform-opening-opening will soon follow, and then Zhao Lanting will come back.

   (end of this chapter)

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