Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1006: How could he miss other women?

   Chapter 1006 How can he think about other women?

   With the return of the Ruan family, the whole Shanhe Village became lively.

   Of course there are people who have pantothenic acid in their hearts, but these people only dare to talk about it in their hearts, but they don’t dare to say it face to face.

  This is not the Internet, you can speak anonymously, no one knows who you are, and you can speak unscrupulously.

   Everyone is from the same village, who doesn’t know who?

   Now the Ruan family is clearly getting along well in the county town. Du Ruan Aihua has a new car, and Ruan Aizhou also drives a small truck.

  The villagers also hoped to ask Ruan Aihua to help him walk around and find a job in the city for their children.

   Why would you want to offend him now?

   What's more, Ruan Aizhou and Ji Wanying brought the whole village to grow mushrooms and helped them sell them. The whole village has benefited. The family's life has been much better in the past two years, and even meat is often eaten.

   So even if I feel sour in my heart, I don't dare to say it outright at this moment, or I will be stabbed in the spine by the whole village and scolded as a white-eyed wolf!

   Whether they are jealous or not, most of the villagers are very happy when they see Ruan Aihua's family back.

   They had long wanted to establish a relationship with Ruan Aihua and asked him for help.

   It’s just that after Ruan Aihua moved to the county seat, no one knew where he lived, so naturally they couldn’t find him.

   Now that Ruan Aihua is back, they want to ask Ruan Aihua for help, so they don’t have to worry about finding anyone.

   Therefore, there is only one person in the entire Shanhe Village who is particularly resistant to the return of Ruan Aihua's family.

   This person is Zhou Xiaoxue.

   At this time, she was standing in the crowd, listening to the heated discussions from all around her, not to mention how uncomfortable she was in her heart.

   However, what made her uncomfortable the most was Zhang Yunwen's attitude!

   She didn't want to come today, but Zhang Yunwen heard that Ruan Aihua's family was going to move back and Ruan Tang would also come back, so she started to lose her mind.

   After hearing the movement, he could not wait to run!

  Because I ran too fast, I accidentally stepped into a pit on the road and broke my foot!

   Zhou Xiaoxue looked at it and felt as if a knife had stabbed into her heart, piercing her heart with many holes.

   Ruan Tang has been gone for so long, yet Zhang Yunwen still misses her!


  Before, he didn't like Ruan Tang either!

   Moreover, she and Zhang Yunwen have even done the most intimate things, but they haven't gotten the certificate yet.

  How could he care about other women?

   As soon as he heard that Ruan Tang was coming back, he couldn't hold back, so what happened to her?

   In the past two years, it was clearly her Zhou Xiaoxue who accompanied Zhang Yunwen, did he forget?

   She even gave him her innocent body, and he also promised that he would definitely marry her. How can he say that he will change?

   Zhou Xiaoxue looked at Ruan Tang who got out of the van, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, her eyes almost bursting with fire.

  Although I really don't want to admit it, Ruan Tang is really too beautiful.

   She used to be very beautiful, but after moving to the county seat for two years, her whole person seemed to be reborn.

   Not only looks more and more beautiful, but also has a good temperament.

   It really doesn't look like you grew up in a village.

   No wonder Zhang Yunwen's eyes were glued after watching it!

   Zhou Xiaoxue thought of this, and looked at Zhang Yunwen subconsciously. Seeing him staring blankly at Ruan Tang, she felt that her heart was broken.

   When I look at the others, they are all staring blankly!

   Zhou Xiaoxue was so angry that she couldn't help but scolded a vixen in her heart, and then deliberately said, "Why do you dress like a capitalist eldest lady?"

   (end of this chapter)

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