Chapter 1019 Hell Days

   Zhao Yuting didn't intend to take the dream seriously.

   She is not stupid, nor is she a child, she knows very well that the things in her dreams are fake, how can it be taken seriously?

   But after listening to that terrible cry and being beaten by Zhao Guangyuan again, she suddenly became completely disgusted with this family, and she also remembered the man in her dream.

   Zhao Yuting is not stupid, but she desperately wants to escape from her current home.

   As soon as his brain became hot, he began to expect everything in the dream to be true.

   But she hasn't completely lost her mind, so she went to work at the fertilizer factory after breakfast.

   After working for a while, she asked the team leader to ask for leave.

   The team leader was not very happy, and forced her to finish her work before approving her fake slip.

   So when she came out, it was already late.

   Zhao Yuting desperately recalled everything in her dream, and her heart kept going up and down.

   She couldn't explain why, it was just a dream, but a voice in her heart seemed to say that the time in the dream is today, and her future husband is waiting for her to rescue her on the mountain behind Shanhe Village!

   Zhao Yuting doesn't know if this is true or not, but in order to escape from the terrible Zhao family, she is now willing to gamble.

   If she wins the bet, she might be able to have a good road and never have to stay in the Zhao family again.

   In the past two years, she has suffered so much!

  The day after she sprained her foot, pimples started to appear on her face, and even after rubbing the medicine, it didn't help, and even more and more.

   She thought it was because of the medicine Wang Zhaodi gave her, and wanted to ask Wang Zhaodi for an antidote.

  Unfortunately, Wang Zhaodi seems to have evaporated from the world and cannot be found at all.

   And the acne on her face has been bad, so ugly that she can't even look in the mirror now.

   Wear a mask to cover your face every time you go out, otherwise you will scare people.

   She wasn't afraid to scare people, but she couldn't bear those disgusting and disgusting eyes, so she could only wear a mask all the time.

   Because of the acne on her face, no one has chased her for the past two years.

   Zhao Guangyuan also forced her to do housework.

   She has done too much, the skin is getting rougher and rougher, and even the bones of her fingers are a little deformed.

   The current Zhao family is like **** to her, so she must find a way to get out of that ghost place!

   Zhao Yuting hurried desperately, thinking wildly while riding her bike.

   She tried her best to recall that strange dream last night. After thinking about it for a while, she couldn't help but think of Ruan Tang and thank you.

   In the past two years, she has become an ugly monster and has been trapped in hell.

   Ruan Tang is good, she has become more and more beautiful, and thank you has become more and more beautiful.

   Every time she meets her, it makes her heart beat.

  But Xie Ci didn't want to look at her at all, there was only that little **** Ruan Tang in his eyes!

   I don't know if her future husband is good-looking.

   She didn't even see that person's face in her dream, but she felt that he should be very handsome.

   Zhao Yuting recalled everything in her dream, and couldn't help but feel a burst of sweetness in her heart.

   Finally, Shanhe Village has arrived.

   She looked at the familiar and unfamiliar village in front of her, and her mood instantly became complicated.

   She once disliked the life of the Ruan family very much, and was dissatisfied with Jiang Chunshui's partiality.

   However, after entering the Zhao family, she realized that although the Ruan family was in the village, her life in the Ruan family was much better than when she was in the Zhao family.

  Unfortunately, He Xiuqing refused to listen to her, not to mention marrying Zhao Guangyuan, and gave birth to five younger sisters to her!

   completely pushed her into the fire pit.

   (end of this chapter)

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