Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1028: Zhao Yuting asks for help

   Chapter 1028 Zhao Yuting asks for help

  The smell of meat in their house has long been wafting out, and people nearby will know that their house is eating meat for noon today if they smell the smell of meat.

   Where would ordinary people choose to come to their door at lunchtime?

   is like coming to beg for food.

   No one can afford to lose that face!

  Since the village started to grow mushrooms, the villagers have gained an extra income and their life has been much better.

   Let’s not talk about eating meat every two or three days. You can always eat it once every two or three days.

   Not as greedy as in previous years.

   Naturally, he wouldn't do the kind of shameful thing that comes to ask for meat.

   Therefore, ordinary villagers will definitely not come to the door at this time.

   will be found at this time, or something happened at home, and we are eager to ask them for help.

   Or it was the scourge of Zhao Yuting.

   Coincidentally, Zhao Yuting is back today.

   So what else is there to guess?

  Jiang Chunshui didn't know Jiang Tianyu, so naturally he couldn't imagine that Zhao Yuting came back this time to find her future husband.

   is not for the Ruan family.

   However, she was also a straight hit.

The person outside the door was indeed Zhao Yuting, who came to Ruan Aizhou for help.

   Jiang Tianyu was already seriously injured, but because of her, the injury was aggravated.

   After she finally helped Jiang Tianyu down the mountain and found Dr. Zhou, Jiang Tianyu's right foot could no longer be seen.

   Although Dr. Zhou has good medical skills, he is only a doctor in the village, and he has insufficient equipment and medicines, so he can't handle Jiang Tianyu's comminuted fracture at all.

   Jiang Tianyu was seriously injured and had to be sent to the city health center.

   The health centers in the county towns alone cannot cure them.

   Zhao Yuting has rescued people. If they leave them alone when they save half of them, it is not a kind of mercy, but a vengeance!

   In that case, all her previous hard work will be in vain.

   So after listening to Dr. Zhou, she decided to have the cheek to ask Ruan Aizhou for help.

   Ruan's family has a car, she knows it.

   As long as she comes forward and asks Ruan Aizhou to help and sends Jiang Tianyu to the city health center, then the kindness will be recorded on her head.

   Jiang Tianyu will definitely be grateful to her!

   So Zhao Yuting is here.

   But when Ruan Aizhou opened the door, she almost didn't recognize her.

   Zhao Yuting is still wearing a mask!

   Ruan Aizhou was stunned when he saw her.

   He only knew that Zhao Yuting and He Xiuqing didn't have a good time in Zhao's house, but he didn't know that Zhao Yuting was also ruined!

   Zhao Yuting said as soon as she saw him: "Dad, you must help me! My friend is injured and must be taken to the city hospital, you can drive him.

   He was seriously injured, and Dr. Zhou said that he could not delay, otherwise his feet would not be able to be saved! Dad, you must help me! "

   Ruan Aizhou was shocked when he heard this: "You brought your friends back?"

   The people who came to report before only said that Zhao Yuting was back, but they didn't say that Zhao Yuting also brought friends!

   Zhao Yuting was immediately dissatisfied: "Dad! What are you doing? My friend is seriously injured now and must be sent to the city hospital. You can't just watch it!"

   After she finished speaking, without waiting for Ruan Aizhou to agree, she squeezed in and walked towards the van in the yard.

   Ruan Aizhou saw this and ran after her in a hurry, trying to stop her.

   At this moment, Ruan Aihua, who heard the movement, came over: "I'll drive."

  Although he didn't like Zhao Yuting, someone had an accident, and their house just happened to have a car.

   At this time, if you see death and do not save, you will have to get revenge.

   (end of this chapter)

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