Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1046: are calculating

   Chapter 1046 is calculating

  Jiang Tianyu was afraid that Zhao Guangyuan would suddenly start with him, so he didn't dare to annoy him at all.

   So he was very careful: "It's really badly injured. Thanks to Comrade Zhao Yuting's help, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my foot."

   After a pause, he said very much: "My family is already on their way, and they should be there soon. When they arrive, I will let them thank Comrade Zhao Yuting well."

   He said this on purpose, just to let Zhao Guangyuan know that if you want benefits, don't touch him.

   Zhao Guangyuan really wants benefits.

   He heard what Jiang Tianyu meant, and immediately laughed: "If you say that, our family Tingting is really doing a good job. You don't know, her child has a good heart since she was a child and often helps others.

   You were injured this time, but luckily you met her, otherwise you would suffer. However, this child is also stubborn. He is taking care of you here, and he doesn't even tell his family.

  I managed to find her job through a relationship, because she hadn't been there for several days, and the factory was going to fire her, so I didn't know what to do.

   She is a girl, staying outside and not going home, can I not worry about being an old man? My mom and I were worried to death. Her mother has been crying recently, her eyes are almost blinded from crying, hey. "

   Jiang Tianyu's heart sank when he heard this.

   He was very unhappy.

   Zhao Guangyuan's words were clearly intended to sell miserably, wanting to repay his favor and get more benefits from him.

   It's really ridiculous, Zhao Yuting made his injury worse, he hasn't settled the account with the father and daughter, yet they dare to ask him for favors!

   If he was alone, would he be bullied?

   Wait for the family to come and see how he cleans them up!

  Jiang Tianyu sneered in his heart, but said politely on his face: "Has Comrade Zhao Yuting's job been fired? Sorry, I really didn't expect things to turn out like this.

  Otherwise, when my family arrives, I will let them go to the factory to talk. Comrade Zhao Yuting rescued me, she was brave in righteousness, as long as she made it clear to the factory, her job should be able to be saved. "

When these words came out, Zhao Yuting and Zhao Guangyuan were a little dumbfounded.

   This is not what they want!

   Who cares about the job of that fertilizer factory!

Zhao Yuting pretended to be worried and asked, "Will it be too much trouble? I didn't think about asking for anything in return for saving you. Your family is out of town. Stop it."

   Zhao Guangyuan also said: "How can this trouble you? Tingting is my daughter, I can find a way for work, but I can't cause you trouble."

   Jiang Tianyu sneered again when he heard this.

   said: "It's not too much trouble, my family is still somewhat related, that is, it's just talking, it's really not troublesome.

  If Comrade Zhao Yuting doesn't like her current job, I can also ask my family to find a way to change her. Just what it can be replaced with depends on the situation. "

   Zhao Yuting became anxious when she heard this.

   She still wants to go to Longjing, but she doesn't want to stay in that small county!

  If she stayed, how could she jump out of the fire pit of the Zhao family?

   But in front of Zhao Guangyuan, she didn't dare to say more, she just kept it in her heart, and planned to tell Jiang Tianyu when Zhao Guangyuan was gone.

   Zhao Guangyuan was also thinking about it in his heart.

   But he thought that Jiang Tianyu was a kid after all, so what he said might not be able to count.

not to mention…

   (end of this chapter)

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