Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1071: blue face disaster

   Chapter 1071 Blue face and troubles

  Thank you and assured: "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely wait for Tangtang to grow up, and there will be no mess."

   Ruan Aihua was not very satisfied when he heard this title.

   This kid changed his mouth too fast!

   Ruan Aihua was immediately displeased and said: "You and Tangtang are not engaged yet, don't rush to change your tune!"

   Looking at Fenghua again, he also had a dark face, as if thanking him owed him millions.

  Xie Ci just pretended not to see it, and said honestly: "Okay Uncle Ruan, I remember it."

   Ruan Aihua: "…"

   For some reason, he still felt very uncomfortable.

  Obviously I thought this kid was good before, why is it that the more I look at it now, the more unpleasant it is?

   At this time, Fenghua said: "Although it's just a wine engagement in the village, as a man, you must show your sincerity, and you can't let people look down on Tangtang."

   He was Ruan Tang's uncle anyway, so he had to make a public statement to remind him of his identity.

  Xieci didn't care, after hearing this, he nodded decisively: "Don't worry, uncle, I will make this engagement banquet beautiful and make Tangtang the happiest girl in the village!"

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   She looked at Xie Ci speechlessly, wanting to say something, but looking at the smile on Xie Ci's face, she couldn't bear it anymore.

  Xie Ci seems to seldom smile when facing others.

  Only when I am with her do I laugh often.

   But those smiles are more reserved, unlike now, his face is full of smiles, anyone who sees him can see how happy he is now.

   Ruan Tang thought of thanking her for accompanying her throughout the past two years, no matter where she went, he would be by her side, and she would not be able to say anything if she refused.

   Although engagement seems to be unfamiliar to her, but if that person is saying goodbye, it doesn’t seem unacceptable.

  Xie Ci had been secretly paying attention to Ruan Tang's reaction, for fear that she would suddenly refuse.

   Seeing that she hadn't said anything to refuse, he laughed even more happily, and his eyes were full of stars.

   Ruan Tang saw her heartbeat a little faster.

   She stared at Xie Ci involuntarily, and suddenly felt that he seemed to be getting better and better.

   was originally an evildoer, but now it is even more evildoer.

   She felt that she was going to lose control of herself.

   No wonder you always say that blue face is bad for water.

  Thank you, this is definitely a disaster level. So she still acts for the sky and takes away this misfortune.

   lest he run out and harm others.

   Ruan Tang thought of this and couldn't help taking a sip of water.

   She felt a little dry in her mouth.

  The engagement was quickly settled.

  The time was also set, just seven days later.

   If it is mainly about getting married, a lot of things have to be prepared.

  The banquet is second, anyway, when the time comes, we will set up wine in the village and invite the villagers to dinner.

  The key is that if you are engaged, you have to prepare new clothes, new shoes, and jewelry.

   Neither the Ruan family nor the Feng family want to wrong Ruan Tang, so these things must be well prepared.

   But the dowry can be ignored.

   Anyway, if they get married in the future, most of them will not be in the village, at most they will just go back to the village to have a drink.

   And Ruan Tang is still young, and it's too early to get married.

  The dowry, there is no need to rush them out now.

   As for clothes and jewelry, the two have already made plans.

  Tang Hongxiu planned to make a dress for Ruan Tang herself, and Fengyi was in charge of the design.

   There are also jewelry, and Fenghua plans to make them himself.

   (end of this chapter)

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