Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1073: unforgettable person

   Chapter 1073 The unforgettable person

   When Ruan Tang heard Fengyi's words, her mood became extraordinarily complicated.

   Her perception of Wei Liangchen is very complicated.

   After all, if it weren't for Wei Liangchen, Jiang Shiyu would not have treated Fengyi so cruelly.

   Although Wei Liangchen was innocent in this matter, all the injuries Fengyi suffered were all because of Wei Liangchen.

   Even, in the previous life, Feng Yi was killed alive!

   This made it impossible for her to forgive Wei Liangchen.

   She clearly remembered that when she found Feng Yi, there was only one withered bone left in Feng Yi.

   And Fenghua first lost her daughter, and then her teacher and wife died. She had already been tortured to death by this full of despair.

   After learning that Fengyi had already been killed, he couldn't hold it any longer and followed.

  The three living lives of the Feng family were all lost because of Jiang Shiyu's greed.

   Ruan Tang knew that Wei Liangchen was innocent, but she couldn't help but express her anger.

   But at the end of the previous life, Wei Liangchen furiously retaliated against Jiang Shiyu in order to avenge Feng Yi, and finally died at the hands of Jiang Shiyu.

   He had already used his own death to make up for it, and even if Ruan Tang angered him, it was impossible to do anything to him.

   In this life, Feng Yi was lucky to meet her and escaped the miserable fate that Jiang Shiyu had designed for her. Feng Hua and Fang Xuan were also fine.

   But she was a step too late. When Feng Yi met her, Jiang Shiyu had already ruined her appearance and memory.

   So she didn't want Fengyi to be with Wei Liangchen again.

   Originally thought, Feng Yi has no memory of the past, so she should put Wei Liangchen down and find someone she likes to be with again.

  Where did she think that she still couldn't let Wei Liangchen go.

   Ruan Tang was helpless.

  But if Fengyi really likes Wei Liangchen, she won't do it too much, and insist on breaking the marriage between them.

   Let's see if they can continue to lead the way.

   Speaking of which, she hasn't paid attention to Wei Liangchen for a long time, and she doesn't know how he is now.

   Ruan Tang thought of this, and asked 008 through voice transmission: [Xiaohua, I remember that you have been staring at Jiang Shiyu, what is the situation on her side now? Is Wei Liangchen still with her? 】

  008 is probably too boring, and has been following Jiang Shiyu.

   It's really like watching a TV show.

Hearing Ruan Tang's voice transmission, it immediately said: [Oh, you said this, after Jiang Shiyu lost his memory, He Yuanzhuo deliberately targeted Wei Liangchen, and said that Wei Liangchen caused the accident in Fengyi and Jiang Shiyu. of.

   Wei Liangchen seemed to be hit by his words, and after he went back, he began to frantically search for Feng Yi, and he went to see Jiang Shiyu less often.

   After that, he went there several times, but every time he was targeted by He Yuanzhuo, he stopped going and continued to look for Fengyi.

   His family seemed to be afraid that he could not think about it, so they applied for him to study abroad and sent him out. He should be still abroad at the moment, I haven't heard of him coming back. 】

  008 paused when he said this, and then said gossip, [By the way, after He Yuanzhuo targeted Wei Liangchen, he seemed to be inspired, and he began to target other people desperately.

   Jiang Shiyu's system is no longer usable, and there is no way to tempt those people. After those people were targeted, they became indifferent to Jiang Shiyu.

  He Yuanzhuo died proudly, thinking that without them, he could monopolize Jiang Shiyu. As a result, after the gauze on Jiang Shiyu's face was removed, scars all over his face were revealed, so frightened that he didn't dare to look at Jiang Shiyu. Hahaha, it really made me laugh. 】

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   She really didn't expect that He Yuanzhuo had so many plays by himself!

   (end of this chapter)

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