Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1075: Fengyi is wrong

   Chapter 1075 Fengyi is wrong

  Fengyi looked at the wild flowers in the vase in shock, couldn't help but ran over, and got closer to examine it carefully.

   After taking a closer look, she was even more shocked: "Oh my god! These flowers were almost thankful, but now they are all recovered! It's like they were just picked! It's so fresh!"

After    sighed, she turned her head sharply and looked at Ruan Tang with burning eyes: "Tang Tang, are you sure you really want to teach me? Such things should be very precious, right?"

"But you're my sister." Ruan Tang looked at her with a smile, "Actually, I had this plan for a long time, but your health was not very good before, so I didn't say anything. Now your body is almost recuperated. Now, you can start practicing."

   Not only Feng Yi, but she also plans to let other people in the family practice as well.

   She is a medical practitioner. Even if their body is not suitable for cultivation, she can help them transform into a body suitable for cultivation.

   Even if the spiritual energy in this world is scarce, after cultivating, they can always increase their lifespan, allowing them to live longer and keep their bodies healthy.

After    practice, they can have the ability to protect themselves.

   At that time, she won't have to worry so much.

   Thinking of this, Ruan Tang asked again, "Yibao, do you want to practice?"

  Feng Yi said immediately: "Of course!"

   She didn't know Ruan Tang's interruption. After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but ask cautiously, "Tangtang, look at my parents and the others... Can they cultivate?"

   Afraid that Ruan Tang would be angry, she quickly said, "I know that my request is a bit abrupt, I can help you do things, and then exchange credit for it.

  Since you said that I can cultivate, then after I cultivate, I should have some abilities, right? When the time comes, I can do things for you, and I will do what you ask me to do. "

   Ruan Tang couldn't help teasing her: "What if I ask you to kill and set fire?"

   "Ah?" Feng Yi was immediately dumbfounded, "You... can you?"

   But she was only sluggish for a moment, and then quickly reacted, "I don't believe it, you are definitely not such a person. Even if you really kill people and set fires, it must be that person who should be damned!

  I know that there are many wicked people in this world. Although some people wear a human skin, they are actually not as good as animals. If it's such a person, I don't need you to tell me, I'm also willing to get rid of them! "

   Although she still can't recall her past memories, she still remembers the nightmares she could have had.

   She also remembered that she once curled up in pain in that dark basement, the wounds on her face festering and festering.

   At that time, she would occasionally wake up, and every time she woke up, she thought she couldn't live anymore.

  Who knows, she was actually saved.

   It was Ruan Tang who saved her.

   Not only rescued her from that horrible basement, but also healed her face and returned her to normal.

   At that time, she silently swore that her life belonged to Ruan Tang.

   She couldn't remember who made her like that, but she knew that it was absolutely damnable to make her like that!

   There are still many such wicked people in this world, and all those wicked people deserve to die!

   They don't deserve to live in this world at all!

  Fengyi thought of this, and a sudden anger arose in her heart.

   Ruan Tang was keenly aware of it.

   She narrowed her eyes and suddenly felt that it was indeed time for Feng Yi to practice.

   In the past two years, she has spent most of her time running outside, although every time she comes back, she helps her family to recuperate.

   Ke Fengyi's memory never recovered.

   Now it seems that something is wrong with her.

   (end of this chapter)

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