Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1078: thank you black

   Chapter 1078 The thank you speech is blackened

  Although Ruan Tang had already used the cleansing technique to help Fengyi clean up the dirt on her body, she was still not used to it, so she decided to take a shower.

   Ruan Tang went out first.

After    went outside, she suddenly saw the thank you speech.

   Ruan Tang just remembered the engagement thing she said last night, and hurriedly took her thanks and left the door.

   She has to ask carefully what is going on!

"Thank you, please explain it to me clearly!" Ruan Tang pulled Xie Ci into the small forest outside Ruan's house, and immediately asked, "Why did Dad suddenly ask us to get engaged? Did you say that? what?"

   "I didn't!" Xie Ci blinked innocently, "I'm surprised too, really!"

   Ruan Tang was not easy to fool, she immediately dismantled and said: "You must have said something! Dad can never bring it up directly, he must have found you in private, what did you tell him?"

  Xieci raised his hands as if surrendering: "Okay, Dad did look for me, Tangtang, you are so smart, you can't hide anything from you."

   Ruan Tang: "..." She knew it!

   She quickly asked again: "Then what did he say to you? What did you say?"

   This time, the thank you speech is more honest: "Dad just asked me what I meant if I wanted to get engaged to you. Of course I said yes, otherwise Dad thought I was deliberately playing with your feelings!"

   Ruan Tang: "..." Hehe.

   Although she was a little depressed, she also knew that Ruan Aihua could indeed do such a thing.

   In the past two years, although she would sneak out with Xie Ci from time to time, no one else knew about it.

  It would be good to say thank you, but he actually got a servant puppet, disguised himself as him and stayed at Ruan's house, and the servant puppet who rides her bike to and from school every day.

   So no one knew, she and Xie Ci actually sneaked out.

   But also because of this puppet, almost everyone thinks that she and Xie Ci are a pair.

  Otherwise, if the thank you speech had been gone for so long, Ruan Aihua would definitely not have offered them an engagement.

  Thank you so much!

   When he made that puppet, he told her that being away for too long would cause suspicion from others.

   She actually foolishly believed it!

   In fact, he is paving the way for today!

   is so scheming!

   Ruan Tang secretly slandered in his heart.

   She murmured for a while, and Xie Ci suddenly asked, "Tangtang, are you not willing to get engaged to me?"

   He looked into Ruan Tang's eyes with a smile, "Then who do you want to be engaged to?"

   Ruan Tang was taken aback: "!" This thing is definitely blackened!

   She gave Xie Ci a frightened look and grabbed his chin: "Can you be normal for me!"

  Who made you black at every turn!

who do you think You Are?

  Xie Ci began to possess the drama, and looked at her sadly: "But you don't want to be engaged to me."

   Ruan Tang couldn't take it anymore: "Who said I didn't want to? Did I refuse when Dad mentioned this last night? Don't talk nonsense, okay?"

  Xie Ci changed his face instantly, and asked her with a smile: "So, you are very willing?"

   Ruan Tang pinched his chin: "Who else can bear this kind of scourge except me? In order not to let you go out and harm others, I can only feed the demons with my body and take you away with reluctance."

  Xie Ci smiled happily. He looked into Ruan Tang's eyes and said, "Tang Tang, you said this yourself, you can't go back on it."

   Ruan Tang sneered: "When did I go back on what I said?"

  Xie Ci suddenly took out a smartphone and turned on the recording: "Then can you repeat what you just said?"

   (end of this chapter)

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