Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1081: Meet Zhao Tiantian

   Chapter 1081 Meeting Zhao Tiantian

   After coming to Jiangcheng again, Ruan Tang felt that it was much more prosperous than two years ago.

   However, in the current environment, Jiangcheng has not changed too much.

   Unlike after the opening, many places began to change with each passing day and ushered in great changes.

  The environment of Jiangcheng is still good. When it opens up in the future, it should develop faster.

   Ruan Tang just thought about it casually, but didn't take it to heart.

   The car drove all the way to the outside of the department store, Xie Ci found a place to park the car, and walked in with Ruan Tang.

   At this time, the weather was very hot, and the two of them held hands without pretentiousness.

   In the department store, Ruan Tang was quickly attracted by the dazzling array of goods and began to buy, buy, buy.

  She has memorized all the measurements of her family members, and she has a very good memory now. When she sees a set of clothes, she can quickly remember the body shape of someone in the family, so that the size is not inappropriate.

   But although she is very confident, she is still worried about what will happen.

   So I came early to buy clothes and shoes.

  The family has a large population, and everyone has to buy clothes and shoes.

   When Ruan Tang was choosing, he suddenly thought of the Xie family, and asked his thanks in a low voice: "Do you want to buy it for the Xie family?"

   "Buy it." Xie Ci's expression was indifferent, obviously he had no relationship with the Xie family, "After all, they are my nominal adoptive parents, and it is inappropriate not to show up when we are engaged."

Although Xie Ci didn't care, he didn't want Ruan Tang to be talked about by the villagers.

  The Xie family are the adoptive parents of this body. Although the owner of this body is only one of his separate souls, in the eyes of outsiders, they are his adoptive parents.

   He and Ruan Tang are engaged. If the adoptive parents are not present, the villagers will inevitably gossip behind their backs, thinking that the Xie family is dissatisfied with his marriage with Ruan Tang.

   So they are better off playing.

   Anyway, he has already beaten it, the couple is very honest now, and they have no courage to act as a demon.

   and their son, nothing to worry about.

   It's just three sets of clothes, and it's not that he can't afford them.

   Ruan Tang hasn't seen the Xie family for a long time, and has little influence on them, and he doesn't know what size they are now.

   Hearing what Xie Ci said, she said, "Then you can choose the size, I don't know their size."

  Xieci nodded, not taking it to heart.

   At this time, there are not many styles of clothes.

   Or rather, they don't have many styles here.

   is like some more **** styles, which are basically not available here.

   So Ruan Tang doesn't have to worry about picking out his eyes. Anyway, there are only a few styles, but the colors and materials are slightly different.

   Ruan Tang picked the material well and bought it in the right color, and it didn't take long to buy it.

  Thank you for the whole process of checkout.

   They bought a lot of clothes, and the two are beautiful, handsome and beautiful, and they can attract people's attention wherever they go.

   So along the way, many people were staring at them.

   Ruan Tang was used to it and didn't take it to heart.

   So I didn't find it, Zhao Tiantian was not far away and was watching them.

   Zhao Tiantian stood in the crowd, looking enviously at Ruan Tang's beautiful face and perfect figure.

   Her thoughts were all on Ruan Tang, and she even ignored Xie Ci, a handsome guy at the enchanting level.

  Xie Ci didn't like Zhao Tiantian's look at Ruan Tang, so he took her away while Ruan Tang didn't notice it.

   (end of this chapter)

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