Chapter 1096 Too spicy eyes!

   After leaving Xie's house, Ruan Tang's mood was a little complicated, and he simply said to Xie Ci: "Let's go out on a bike."

Speaking of which, she suddenly thought of something, and then continued: "By the way, how about we go to Xiaohe Village next door? I know two female educated youths there, but I haven't seen them for a long time, and I don't know if they are still there. not there."

  Thank you and agreed immediately.

  If I go back to Ruan's house now, there are so many people staring at me and there are too many light bulbs.

   Better go out for a walk.

  Thank you and suggested, "I'll take you on a ride."

   Ruan Tang hesitated: "No need? I can also ride a bike."

  Xieci said, "Leave the car at home. What if Mom and them use it? I'll just carry you, and you're not heavy."

   Ruan Tang thought for a while, then agreed to his proposal and did not insist on riding by himself.

   So Xie Qi went back to get the bicycle, and took Ruan Tang to the next door to Xiaohe Village

   He deliberately rode slowly, just in time to see the scenery along the way.

   It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, but the sun was still high, but the sun was not so hot.

   Ruan Tang wore a straw hat and sat sideways.

   With her current strength, she no longer has to worry about balance.

   But she still grabbed Xie Ci's waist on purpose.

  I think when she first came through, she was not familiar with Xie Ci. It's always a little embarrassing to do that.

   Now that they are about to get engaged, Ruan Tang has become more courageous.

   It's like suddenly enlightened.

   She let go abruptly, and always liked to touch Xie Ci.

  Xie Ci was riding the bike and felt a little itchy on his waist, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

   As if taking advantage of it.

  Shanhe Village is not far from Xiaohe Village. Rao is Xie Ci who rode very slowly, or arrived unknowingly.

   Ruan Tang has only been here once or twice, and when she came here again, she felt that everything around her was quite unfamiliar.

   Thinking that she and Xu Zhizhi had never met since she went to the county seat, Ruan Tang couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

   She quite liked Xu Zhizhi's temperament, but after she went to the county seat, she started walking with Xie Ci all over the world, and accidentally forgot about Xu Zhizhi.

   Now two years have passed, and I don't know what happened to Xu Zhizhi.

   Ruan Tang sighed with regret, and said to Xie Ci: "Just ask someone directly, I don't know if they are still there."

   Xie Ci replied softly, and started looking for someone on the bike.

   Before long, they saw a villager sitting in the shade of a tree.

   It was just that after seeing the man, he did not go up to inquire, but stepped on the pedals abruptly, speeding up and riding away.

   Ruan Tang was puzzled: "Why did you leave? Wasn't someone there just now?"

  Xieci said in a surprised tone: "Oh, right? I didn't pay attention, find someone to ask again."

   The man just now didn't say that he was a man, he was shirtless, and he was wearing a pair of big pants.

   Too spicy eyes!

   He didn't let Ruan Tang see it.

   So Xie Ci rode for a while, and saw an old lady not far away, so he rode over there, stopped beside her and asked, "Auntie, do you know Xu Zhizhi?"

  The old lady turned her head and looked at Xie Ci and Ruan Tang curiously.

   However, she didn't seem to have very good ears. Instead of answering the words of thanks, she asked in a loud voice, "Ah? What did you say?"

After    asked a few words, she suddenly changed the conversation, "Young man, you look very energetic, do you have a partner?"

  Thank you: "…"

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   (end of this chapter)

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