Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1104: the beginning of destruction

   Chapter 1104 The Beginning of Destruction

   Xu Zhizhi and Feng Ya didn't know the inside story, for fear that Ruan Tang would be entangled by Jiang Wencheng, so they kept urging Ruan Tang and Xie Ci to leave quickly.

   The two did not refuse and left Xiaohe Village soon.

   Just after they left, a farce suddenly took place in the health station in Xiaohe Village.

  The doctor is cleaning Jiang Wencheng's eyes and using tweezers to pick out the foreign body inside.

  When the tweezers pick up the foreign body, it is very close to the eyeball, so you must be very careful at this time.

   If it is not very good, it may hurt the eyeball.

   Jiang Wencheng also knew the severity, so he endured the pain and did not dare to move.

   Who knew that suddenly, he was horrified to find that his body seemed to be out of control!

   Jiang Wencheng was terrified and desperately wanted to regain control of his body, but who knew that his body would become more and more unruly.

  The doctor's certificate carefully held a piece of debris and planned to take it out, but Jiang Wencheng suddenly raised his head!

  In an instant, the tweezers in the doctor's hand poked into Jiang Wencheng's eyes.

   This scene is really terrifying, not to mention the educated youth present, even the doctor who did it was terrified.

   He was so frightened that he let go of the tweezers and shouted in panic: "You all saw it just now, he raised his head suddenly, it has nothing to do with me!"

   However, everyone around was frightened by this scene, and no one cared what he was saying.

The doctor    was so frightened that he even took a step back after he finished speaking to distance himself from Jiang Wencheng.

   As if this is the only way to prove that it was not his hand just now.

   Jiang Wencheng kept screaming in pain, but his voice began to change as he screamed.

   "Ahhhhh! My eyes!"

   He screamed in a collapse, suddenly raised his head, glared at the retreating doctor, and said fiercely:

   "You dare to hurt my eyes, I won't let you go!"

   He had a pair of tweezers stuck in one eye at this time, blood kept flowing out, and his expression was very ferocious. It looked really scary.

   Not to mention the educated youth who sent him here, even the doctors who were used to seeing all kinds of **** scenes were terrified.

   The doctor felt a little uneasy when he saw Jiang Wencheng's fierce and fierce appearance.

   This man looks terrible, if he really goes crazy, wouldn't he really do anything to him?

   He also has a wife and children!

   No, he has to find a way.

  The doctor began to rack his brains.

   He hadn't done any horrific things yet, and looking at Jiang Wencheng's terrifying, **** face, he didn't have the guts to do anything bad.

   Jiang Wencheng is really scary!

   Just when he hesitated, Jiang Wencheng spoke again.

   This time Jiang Wencheng's transformation was even more distorted: "Do you know who my dad is? You dare to hurt my eyes, I will let my dad kill you, believe it or not?"

   He was hesitant at first, but when some scared doctors heard this, their hearts were shaken even more.

   Who knew that Jiang Wencheng went on to say: "I killed that woman in the city, so nothing happened? What are you?

   A poor country doctor! What are you fighting with me! I remember your daughter, although she doesn't look very good, she is quite tender. "

   When the doctor heard this, he couldn't help it.

   He was so angry that he picked up a scalpel and wanted to kill Jiang Wencheng.

   Who knew that the person next to him suddenly held him down: "Don't be impulsive! Ask him about that woman first. If he really kills someone, we can call the police."

   (end of this chapter)

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