Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1106: It was Ruan Tang who saved them

   Chapter 1106 Ruan Tang saved them

   Ye Xiangyang went on to say: "This was purely an accident, but Jiang Wencheng was very angry and said he would kill Dr. Xu.

   went on to say that he had killed a woman before, and we heard something wrong, so we called and reported the case. If you don't believe me, you can ask him. "

   People from the Public Security Bureau asked Jiang Wencheng.

   They took the case and had to ask Jiang Wencheng what was going on. It is impossible to arrest Jiang Wencheng just by listening to one side of the story.

   After they asked, Jiang Wencheng said triumphantly how he killed a woman before.

   This time, he also added a lot of details.

   Hearing that, everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and they wanted to rush over to get the tweezers and stab him blind in the other eye!

   The faces of the security guards also became extremely ugly.

   When they asked, they were still wondering if they might have wronged someone.

The results of it?

   This person admitted it directly, but his attitude was so arrogant that he didn’t take human life seriously!

   This kind of person must be arrested and investigated!

   So Jiang Wencheng was quickly taken away with his hands tied.

  When the security guards started, Jiang Wencheng struggled desperately, the tweezers stuck in his eyes quickly fell off, and the wounds were bleeding profusely, all of which flowed to his face, which was very scary.

  The security guards were startled, afraid that he would bleed too much and die, so they had to ask Dr. Xu to help him stop the bleeding.

   Dr. Xu was still holding his breath, where would he be willing to help Jiang Wencheng stop the bleeding?

   But he was not very courageous, and in front of the security guard, he did not dare to refuse.

   After a simple hemostasis treatment, Jiang Wencheng was quickly taken away.

   Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

   They really didn't want to see Jiang Wencheng again.

   He is really scary!

   and the injuries on his body are also very scary.

   When the educated youth went back, they all felt terrified. If it wasn't for Jiang Wencheng's brain hole, and he said the harm to others, they would not know that Jiang Wencheng, who looks like a dog, is actually a jackal!

   This incident is quite big. Although it happened in the health station, it quickly spread in Xiaohe Village.

   When Xu Zhizhi and Feng Ya got the news, Jiang Wencheng had already been taken away.

   But the two were still frightened.

   Jiang Wencheng actually killed a woman! Just because the other party refuses to date him?

this is too scary!

   The two of them couldn't help but look at each other with fear in their eyes.

   Fortunately, Jiang Wencheng was caught, otherwise, would Jiang Wencheng treat them like that if they continued?

   Just thinking of this possibility made Xu Zhizhi and Feng Ya terrified.

   After a long while, Feng Ya calmed down from the panic.

   She held Xu Zhizhi's hand tightly, and said happily, "Zhizhi, do you think Tangtang is our goddess of luck? I remember that she also helped us last time.

   When she came this time, something happened to Jiang Wencheng. If nothing happened to Jiang Wencheng, do you think we will be treated like that by him in the future? "

   Xu Zhizhi's face changed suddenly when he heard this.

   She remembered that Ruan Tang actually had some special abilities.

   When she was poisoned, Doctor Zhou couldn't do anything, but Ruan Tang rescued her.

   Later, she told Ruan Tang about the bracelet, and Ruan Tang also told her that the bracelet was not a good thing.

   When Ruan Tang came over this time, something happened to Jiang Wencheng, isn't it a coincidence?

   Could it be that all of this is actually related to Ruan Tang?

  Whether it was or not, Ruan Tang saved them.

  Xu Zhizhi pursed his lips: "Yaya, stop saying that. What does Jiang Wencheng's accident have to do with Tangtang?"

   (end of this chapter)

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