Chapter 1111 No Pregnancy

   Seeing Fang Sitian retching again, Feng Ya's eyes flashed and she said again, "Fang Sitian, are you really pregnant?"

  Fang Sitian was instantly excited: "Feng Ya, don't talk nonsense, I just have an upset stomach, so I'm not pregnant! I... vomit!"

   She retched again, afraid that Feng Ya would continue to speak, so she turned around and ran out, and said a lie: "I'll go see a doctor right away."

   After she left, the educated youth looked at each other in dismay.

   However, most people still think that Fang Sitian should not be pregnant.

   They have never seen Fang Sitian get very close to Jiang Wencheng, but there are people in the village who are pursuing Fang Sitian, but she obviously doesn't like it.

  I don’t usually see anything wrong with her, or being bullied by anyone.

   So, it should not be pregnancy.

   Most likely it is a stomach upset.

  The educated youth thought so, so they said a few words to Feng Ya and told her not to talk nonsense outside.

   We are all together, even if you don't like Fang Sitian, don't say anything about pregnancy, this pot of dirty water is too smelly, if it really wants to spread, Fang Sitian's life will be ruined.

  Other female educated youths will also be affected and will be pointed at by others.

  Feng Ya agreed.

   After more than half an hour, Fang Sitian came back with a pack of pills in his hand.

   She deliberately said loudly: "I have already consulted the doctor. I just have stomach discomfort recently, so I have some symptoms. The doctor showed me medicine, if you don't believe me, you can take a look."

  The educated youth heard this, and the more they believed that she was really upset with the stomach.

Seeing that everyone believed it, Fang Sitian walked up to Xu Zhizhi and Feng Ya triumphantly: "Feng Ya, now you know? I just have an upset stomach, but you poured dirty water on me and slandered my pregnancy. Should you apologize to me?"

   Feng Ya was a little sullen.

   She glared at Fang Sitian and said angrily: "I can apologize to you, but you can't continue talking nonsense in the future, saying what Ruan Tang hurt Jiang Wencheng!

  If you continue to talk nonsense, then don’t blame me for following nonsense! Why can you throw dirty water on Ruan Tang and I can't throw it on you? "

   Fang Sitian gritted his teeth angrily, and instinctively refused to agree.

   But she thought about it, she had already said it anyway, and many people heard it.

   Even if you don’t say it now, those who have heard it before can’t forget it.

   When the Jiang family sent someone over, Ruan Tang and Xu Zhizhi were still unlucky!

   Thinking of this, she simply said: "I didn't pour dirty water on Ruan Tang, I did see her hand make a strange movement at that time.

  If you don't believe me, just treat me as nonsense. As long as you don't throw dirty water on me in the future and say anything about being pregnant, I can stop talking about it in the future. "

  Feng Ya felt that she was wrong, so she didn't bargain any more, but insisted: "Jiang Wencheng's accident was because he did a lot of evil, and it has nothing to do with Ruan Tang.

  You just saw someone's hand and said that Jiang Wencheng was hurt by her, which is too arbitrary. As long as you are honest and don't be a demon and talk nonsense in the future, I will definitely not talk about you. "

   The two of them were unwilling, and they quarreled for a while, and then the matter was over.

   After everyone dispersed, Feng Ya pulled Xu Zhizhi to talk for a while, and decided to tell her about Fang Sitian when Ruan Tang got engaged, so that Ruan Tang could be prepared.

   (end of this chapter)

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