Chapter 1126 The child in the womb

As soon as    Ruan Tang's words came out, Zhang Yunwen and Zhou Xiaoxue's expressions changed drastically.

  The expressions of the others also changed, and they looked at them suspiciously.

   Zhang Yunwen hurriedly denied: "Don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with her!"

   He and Zhou Xiaoxue haven't received their certificates yet, and they haven't served wine yet, they have always been secretive.

  If people find out, they're done!

   When Zhou Xiaoxue heard Zhang Yunwen's denial, her face became suddenly blue and white.

   She knew it had to be denied. But Zhang Yunwen was so anxious to distance herself from her, but it still made her feel badly in the end.

   It wasn't her initiative at the time! Zhang Yunwen had forcibly had a relationship with her because he was drunk, but now he has directly denied it, he is really not a man!

   Zhou Xiaoxue is now at the tip of the bull's horn, and there is only anger and hatred left in her heart.

   She is dissatisfied with Zhang Yunwen's denial, but if Zhang Yunwen admits it, she will only be more dissatisfied!

   So in her eyes, whatever Zhang Yunwen does now is wrong.

   But Zhang Yunwen is not a good thing either, he doesn't have the heart to care what Zhou Xiaoxue is thinking at the moment.

   He looked at Ruan Tang sadly: "Tang Tang..."

  Xie Ci gave his face instantly and interrupted him rudely: "Get out with your woman immediately, or I will throw you out!"

   Zhang Yunwen was very angry: "Thank you, don't slander me, I and Zhou Xiaoxue are innocent!"

   "Innocent?" Xie Ci sneered, gave him and Zhou Xiaoxue a mocking look, and chased away again, "You can take her away."

   At this time, Ruan Tang said: "You even have children, so you haven't received the certificate yet? Then you have to make up for it quickly or her belly will get bigger."

   "Ruan Tang!" Zhou Xiaoxue shouted angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about! Zhang Yunwen and I are innocent!"

   Ruan Tang looked at her mockingly: "Anyway, I have already reminded you that if something happens to your child, you won't have time to regret it."

   Zhou Xiaoxue couldn't bear it any longer, she screamed and wanted to pounce on Ruan Tang.

  Xie Ci gave her a cold look, her eyes were sluggish for a moment, she suddenly snorted, turned around and walked out.

   Fengyi and the others were relieved when they saw this.

  Xie Ci looked at Zhang Yunwen again, Sen Han's eyes made Zhang Yunwen roll away in fright.

   Seeing that the two of them left in tandem, the villagers' eyes flashed a glimpse of understanding, and then they were a little disappointed.

  People are gone, they can't watch the play.

   Ruan Tang and Xie Ci seemed like nothing had happened. After toasting the rest of the wine, the two went back to eat.

   Such a farce happened, and the villagers were too embarrassed to stay for too long. After eating, take a portion of the leftovers and go back to each other.

   In fact, there are not many leftovers, because the amount is calculated, it is impossible to leave too much.

   Ruan Tang was a little fortunate to see him.

   At this time, there was little oil and meat, not to mention the villagers, even the city people were greedy for meat.

   So even if a little meat is a good dish, everyone is rare.

   Unlike later generations, if you eat too much fish and meat, the dishes at the banquet will be disliked by people. In the end, most of the food is left, and not many people are willing to ask for it.

   Basically all fell down.

   Ruan Tang has always disliked this kind of extravagance, so she was quite happy to see the leftovers being packed away.

   After sending everyone away, Xu Zhizhi reminded Ruan Tang: "Tangtang, I don't think that Zhou Xiaoxue will give up, you have to be careful."

   Ruan Tang knew that she was well-intentioned, and smiled at her: "I know."

   Of course she knew that Zhou Xiaoxue would not give up.

   However, no matter what Zhou Xiaoxue wants to do, in the end, he will only suffer for himself!

   (end of this chapter)

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