Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1131: Zhang family accident

   Chapter 1131 Zhang Family Accident

   Zhou Xiaoxue looked at Zhang Facai, who was so excited, in horror, and was desperate.

   She couldn't figure out how things could turn out like this.

   Obviously Ruan Tang should bear all this, why did she become her?

   She just came over and threw a note, she didn't want to contact Zhang Facai at all!

  Why is Zhang Facai at home?

  Why is her body suddenly out of control?

   What sorcery is this?

  Who is hurting her?

   Is that **** Ruan Tang?

   Zhou Xiaoxue wanted to scream frantically, but her body was completely out of control.

   An hour later, Zhou Xiaoxue suddenly found that she was finally able to control her body again.

   But what's the use?

  It's too late!

   She glared at Zhang Fa Cai angrily, wishing to kill him.

   But she is all weak now, and she can't lift her strength at all.

   After an unknown amount of time, Zhou Xiaoxue suddenly felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen!

   She frowned in pain, feeling the pain in her lower abdomen, and suddenly felt a strong sense of panic in her heart.

what happened?

   What is she panicking about?

  Why are you upset?

   Obviously it's just a period.

  What's the panic?

   Zhou Xiaoxue kept comforting herself, but she was still very uneasy.

   At this moment, she suddenly smelled a burning smell.

   Zhou Xiaoxue felt something was wrong.

   What's with that smell?

   Why is it getting thicker?

   While he was wondering, there was a sudden sound of knocking on the door.

   The voice was urgent and chaotic.

   Another woman shouted anxiously: "Get out of the fortune! The house is on fire!"

   Hearing this, Zhou Xiaoxue reacted suddenly.

   It turned out that the burning smell was because the house was on fire!

   Zhang Facai, who was busy, was also dumbfounded. The house was on fire? How come at this time?

   He immediately wanted to escape.


   Ruan Tang actually didn't know what happened to Zhou Xiaoxue.

   She knew that Zhou Xiaoxue would not let it go, and she was planning to see how to do it.

   Who knew that Zhou Xiaoxue would kill herself without her taking any action.

After the villagers left Ruan's house one after another, Ruan Tang sent Xu Zhizhi and Feng Ya away.

  Thank you for accompanying her.

   As soon as she sent the two back, she heard that something had happened in the village.

   This matter is also related to Zhou Xiaoxue!

  In broad daylight, Zhang's house suddenly caught fire, and the nearby villagers were quickly alerted.

   So they are all helping to put out the fire.

  Although I don't like Zhang Facai's family, they are all neighbors, so it's impossible to watch the Zhang family burn like that.

   As soon as he walked into Zhang's yard, he heard Mrs. Zhang Facai crying there, saying that Zhang Facai was trapped in the house and the door was closed and could not get out.

  When the villagers heard this, they quickly asked Qingzhuang for help and smashed the door open.

   Who knew that after smashing them open, there was not only Zhang Fa Cai, but also an educated youth, Zhou Xiaoxue!

  The two of them are disheveled, and you can see what they are doing at a glance!

   This shocked the villagers.

   Zhou Xiaoxue is a female educated youth from the city, she is also beautiful, and many boys in the village like her.

   She doesn't like who is bad, she actually likes Zhang Fa Cai, and secretly messes with Zhang Fa Cai!

   Zhang Facai is just an old bachelor. He is a lot of age, and he doesn't look good. What does Zhou Xiaoxue like about him?

The news of    was so explosive that it quickly spread in the village.

When Ruan Tang sent Xu Zhizhi and Feng Ya back, the news had already spread throughout the village.

   Even because Zhou Xiaoxue looked at Zhang Facai too strangely, it caused a lot of speculation.

Ruan's family didn't want Ruan Tang to know about the news of   , for fear of dirtying her ears.

   (end of this chapter)

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