Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1145: had a nightmare

   Chapter 1145 Had a nightmare

  Jiang Chunshui frowned involuntarily when he thought of his third son whom he hadn't seen for many years.

   Ruan Tang couldn't help but ask, "Grandma, are you worried about the third uncle and the others?"

   She felt that Jiang Chunshui's state was very wrong.

  Although the mother and son have not seen each other for many years, they have never seen Jiang Chunshui so worried before.

  What's going on look very worried?

   Could it be that something really happened to the third uncle? What did grandma notice?

   Ruan Tang recalled that at this time in her previous life, she hadn't heard of what happened to the third uncle.

   But half a year later, the third uncle's father-in-law passed away.

   However, the letter sent by the third uncle did not elaborate on the specific reasons.

   Could it be that something really happened over there?

   Ruan Tang is not sure.

   But since Jiang Chunshui was worried, she would definitely go over to take a look.

  Jiang Chunshui is still frowning at this moment, his expression is hesitant, he seems to want to say something, but hesitantly does not know how to say it.

   Ruan Tang asked: "Grandma, if you are worried, you can tell me. I'll buy a ticket with Xie Qi to visit the third uncle and the others. You know, I'm very good now."

   Jiang Chunshui then said hesitantly, "I don't know what's going on. Last night, I suddenly had a nightmare. I dreamed that your third uncle and three aunts seemed to be crying."

   After a pause, she added, "Maybe it's just thinking about it every day and having a dream at night. Didn't I tell you and Xiaoci to visit them yesterday? Maybe it was because of this thing in my heart that I had a nightmare."

   Ruan Tang doesn't think so.

  Jiang Chunshui never said that he was going to see the third uncle before, but he suddenly mentioned it yesterday, maybe he really had a hunch, so he brought it up.

   Then she had nightmares again, probably as a reminder.

   It seems that she must go to see it as soon as possible.

   If something happened to the third uncle and the others, Jiang Chunshui would definitely die of grief.

   "It should be like this." Ruan Tang didn't tell his guess, but comforted Jiang Chunshui, "If something happened to Uncle Third, they would definitely write a letter or send a telegram. There's no reason to have no news at all."

  Jiang Chunshui is old, so she can't be worried.

   Hearing Ruan Tang's words, Jiang Chunshui's face finally looked better, and she obviously listened to her comfort.

   Ruan Tang decided to leave as soon as possible.

   She quickly said goodbye to her family, and then called her thanks and set off.

   Ruan Aihua took them to open a letter of introduction, and then personally drove them to the train station.

   It's a pity that the nearest bus has to wait for three hours. Ruan Aihua couldn't wait that long, so Ruan Tang asked him to go back first.

   Afterwards, she and Xie Ci walked around the city and passed the time.

   When the time was almost up, I went back to the train station and got on the train with a salute.


   I still bought a sleeper this time, but unfortunately there is no high-end soft sleeper like last time. In order to hurry up, I can only buy an ordinary soft sleeper.

   But they are not short of money now. To save trouble, they bought all the bunks.

   This way, you don't have to worry about being crowded into a cubicle with others.

   After getting on the train, Ruan Tang was still thinking about the third uncle.

   She tried her best to recall for a while, but she still couldn't remember what happened to the third uncle at this time.

   So either the third uncle concealed it and didn't say it, or something happened in this life.

   (end of this chapter)

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