Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1155: Something went wrong

   Chapter 1155 Something went wrong

   Ruan Tang and Xie Ci walked very fast, and it didn't take long for them to come to Ruan Mingyi.

   Ruan Mingyi had planned to help them hold the salute, but after a closer look, the two of them didn't have much in their hands!

   He was stunned for a moment, but he reacted quickly and said enthusiastically, "Tangtang, thank you, you are here. My parents have been looking forward to it since they knew you were coming."

   Ruan Tang glanced at him with a smile, and was about to greet him when he suddenly realized that something was wrong with Ruan Mingyi.

  Although he had a smile on his face, he looked a little haggard, as if he hadn't slept well recently.

How could this be?

  Is it too tired to work overtime, or is there something wrong?

   Ruan Tang hesitated for a while and didn't ask directly.

  If Ruan Mingyi really had something, she asked directly, maybe it would make him unhappy.

   Let's see what's going on first.

  She's all here anyway, if something happened to Ruan Mingyi, she couldn't have seen it.

   Ruan Tang didn't ask, just greeted him with a smile: "Cousin Mingyi, I see that you are getting more and more handsome now."

   She joked generously, but Ruan Mingyi was very embarrassed, and the haze that had been accumulating in his heart had dissipated a little.

   Just after seeing the thank you speech, he suddenly felt that he was hit again.

   This thank you speech is really good.

   also has that temperament, but it doesn't look like it came from ordinary people.

  If he had such an air of gratitude, wouldn't Tongtong break up with him?

   Thinking of Gu Yuntong's sudden change of heart, Ruan Mingyi's mood became depressed.

   But he didn't want Ruan Tang to know, so he quickly covered up the past, and said like nothing was wrong: "Let's go, I borrowed a car from a friend, it's not too far outside, you can see it when you go out."

   Ruan Tang's eyes flashed.

   Ruan Mingyi seemed very down just now? Did something really happen?

   But he obviously didn't mean to say it, why?

   Ruan Tang frowned and decided to take another look.

   There were a lot of cars parked outside the train station, obviously all of them came to pick up people.

   Ruan Mingyi walked towards a car with Ruan Tang and Xie Ci.

   Ruan Tang took a look, and saw a young man leaning on the car, with a cigarette in his mouth, wearing large sunglasses on his face, his body tilted, and he didn't look like a serious person.

   But looking at his face carefully, this person should have a good temperament.

   It's just that the sunglasses block most of the face, so more can't be seen, and only a little can be seen.

   After the young man saw Ruan Mingyi, his crooked body instantly stood up.

   "Akiko, you finally came out, are they your relatives?"

   The young man looked at Ruan Tang and Xie Ci curiously as he spoke.

   After seeing the outstanding looks of the two, he instantly exclaimed: "I'll go! Akiko, your relative looks too good-looking, right? You can be a star with this appearance!"

   Ruan Mingyi gave him a warning look: "Monkey, don't talk nonsense, this is my sister and her object."

  The prince immediately greeted him with a smile on his face: "Hello, my sister, my name is Prince, and I am Mingzi's brother. Since you are Mingzi's sister, you will be my sister in the future! You can call me Hou brother."

   As soon as these words came out, Xie Ci's face turned cold. However, he ignored the prince and said to Ruan Tang, "Tang Tang, let's get in the car, the sun is too hot right now."

The    prince immediately said: "Ah yes yes yes, get in the car and get in the car! Hurry up and get in the car! My sister is so beautiful, she can't be damaged by the sun."

   (end of this chapter)

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