Chapter 1159 Coveted

  Gu Yuntong's voice was not small. When she made a fuss, all the people around ran out to watch the fun and pointed at Ruan Mingyi and the prince.

   You must know that even decades later, a man who likes a man will be regarded as a psychopath by many people.

   Not to mention now?

   Ruan Tang didn't think there was anything between Ruan Mingyi and the prince, she could see that the two were just good brothers.

   The person Ruan Mingyi likes is clearly Gu Yuntong, otherwise he would not be so sad.

   I just don't know why Gu Yuntong thinks he likes men.

   Is it rotten eyes to see people's foundation?

   However, this Gu Yuntong is very wrong, she has to look carefully, what is wrong with Gu Yuntong!

   Seeing that the situation was not good, Ruan Tang walked over immediately and asked loudly, "Brother, didn't you come here for dinner? What did this woman say you followed her? When are we going to eat, I'm starving to death."

   The prince sneered: "She has a sick mind. When she meets a man, she feels that others are following her."

  Gu Yuntong looked at Ruan Tang and Xie Ci who came out in shock, and even forgot to be angry.

   She has always been very satisfied with her appearance, but she never thought that someone in this world could look so beautiful!

   compares her all at once!

   With a delicate and beautiful appearance and a skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, she thought that this kind of peerless beauty only lived in novels and comics.

   Who would have known that it actually existed in reality, and it appeared in front of her alive!

   Who is this girl?

   and the person next to her, who looks too good-looking!

  Gu Yuntong stared straight at Xie Ci, unable to return to his senses.

   Ruan Tang was about to check the details of Gu Yuntong with his heavenly eyes. When she saw that she was looking straight at Xie Ci, she was immediately angry.

   But she didn't get angry directly, but smiled: "He's my boyfriend, and you think he's very good-looking, don't you?"

  Gu Yuntong regained his senses and was a little embarrassed.

   However, his eyes still drifted to Xie Ci involuntarily.

   I didn't even notice that Xu Tianlang, who was beside him, was already blushing.

  Xu Tianlang is tall and handsome, and at a glance, he knows that his background is extraordinary.

   Ruan Tang calmly compared him with Ruan Mingyi, and found that Ruan Mingyi's appearance was not worse than his, but he was not as well dressed as Xu Tianlang, and his aura was much weaker.

   This is also impossible.

  It is said that people rely on clothes, and when the difference between body and appearance is not large, clothing is very important.

   What's more, although Ruan Mingyi's appearance is very good, he will lose a lot to Xu Tianlang in terms of body.

   is probably due to lack of exercise and poor food.

   So he looks thinner and weaker than Xu Tianlang looks imposing.

   No wonder Gu Yuntong abandoned him.

   Comparing Ruan Mingyi and Xu Tianlang, many people will definitely choose Xu Tianlang.

   However, if Xu Tianlang is compared with Xie Ci, it will be a lot worse.

   Whether it is his aura or appearance, Xu Tianlang is far inferior.

   Xu Tianlang no matter how powerful he is, he is at most a general in front of Xie Ci.

  Thanks for his resignation, but he is very noble. Standing in front of Xu Tianlang, he looks like a crown prince.

   No wonder Gu Yuntong left Xu Tianlang behind when he saw him, and kept staring at Xie Ci, wishing he could devour him alive with his eyes!

   Ruan Tang narrowed his eyes, looked at Gu Yuntong unhappily, and quickly opened his eyes.

   She wants to see what the **** is on this Gu Yuntong!

   Bullying her cousin in front of her without saying it, and now dare to say thank you, do you think she is dead?

   (end of this chapter)

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