Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1161: Weirdness on Gu Yuntong

   Chapter 1161 Weirdness on Gu Yuntong

   After Gu Yuntong got into the car and left, the prince was still indignant.

   He was almost **** off by Gu Yuntong.

  If there were a lot of people watching and he was worried about Ruan Mingyi's mood, he really wanted to give Gu Yuntong a few slaps just now!

   He glared at Ruan Mingyi and said angrily: "Mingzi, don't blame me for speaking badly. If you want me to tell you, forget about Gu Yuntong.

   This woman is nothing! She broke up after breaking up with you, and she even slandered you as a pervert, just... I really wanted to hit her just now! "

   Ruan Mingyi apologized to him with a gloomy face: "I'm sorry, I have troubled you this time, and I didn't expect her to become like this."

  The prince didn't anger Ruan Mingyi, afraid that he would think too much, so he patted him on the shoulder: "Mingzi, you don't need to apologize to me, it's not your fault.

  You are my good brother, how could I be mad at you for an inexplicable woman?

   But you're right, Gu Yuntong has changed a lot, and he looked pretty good before, but who knows if he turns his face, he turns his face. "

   Ruan Mingyi felt even more uncomfortable when he heard this.

  Yeah, Gu Yuntong has changed so much, it really means that if he turns his face, he turns his face.

   They had a good relationship before, and they all said they were going to get married.

   Who knew that Gu Yuntong accidentally bumped his head and changed his temper when he woke up.

   also broke up with him.

   He disagreed at first, but Gu Yuntong got angry and said a lot of ugly things to him.

   Later, he couldn't take it anymore, so he had to agree to break up and stop pestering her.

   This chance encounter was really an accident.

   He heard that Gu Yuntong had found a new partner half a month ago, and that person was still very good. He was still very unwilling at the time, and secretly ran to have a look.

   But after seeing Xu Tianlang and Gu Yuntong, he gave up completely.

  Xu Tianlang has a better family background than him, looks better than him, and drives a car.

   After Gu Yuntong was with him, he wore beautiful skirts every day, and people became more and more beautiful.

   He felt that Gu Yuntong was right, he was really useless and couldn't give her the life she wanted.

   So I don't plan to entangle again.

  Who knows...I picked up my sister for dinner today, and I ran into Gu Yuntong and Xu Tianlang by chance.

   This is probably the so-called evil fate.

   Ruan Mingyi laughed at himself, quickly regained his energy, and said to Ruan Tang, "Tang Tang, aren't you hungry? Let's go in."

   Ruan Tang gave him a deep look and decided to talk to him privately after dinner.

  No way, her cousin is so pitiful.

   It's no wonder that he never got married in his previous life, because he was hurt so badly by Gu Yuntong, right?

   Or, is it because Gu Yuntong spread rumors that he likes men?

   Once this kind of rumor spreads, it is estimated that everyone will think that Ruan Mingyi is a pervert who likes men. Who would want to marry him?

  It was so miserable.

   The problem with Gu Yuntong must be solved as soon as possible.

  Can't let her continue.

   Ruan Tang nodded, and the group quickly entered the restaurant.

   The people in the restaurant looked at them obviously not quite right.

  Especially when he saw Ruan Mingyi, his eyes looked like he was seeing a neuropathy, which made Ruan Tang extremely dissatisfied.

   She said deliberately: "Brother, you have to keep your eyes open when you find someone in the future. Don't find someone who is full of lies. It's too much to throw dirty water on you in order to climb high branches."

   As soon as she finished speaking, the prince continued: "What's the way, that woman is a lunatic! Everyone thinks that others have a leg."

   (end of this chapter)

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