Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1172: Ruan Tang was ignored

   Chapter 1172 Ruan Tang was ignored

  Xie Ci recalled the farce outside the hotel before, and hooked his lips mockingly.

   He thought Ruan Mingyi was useless enough, but in front of Ruan Tang, he didn't dare to say it.

   The two of them are not bad money, so there is no need to save, and they take a taxi directly to Gu's house.

On the way   , 008 was just like a commentator, constantly reporting the progress over there to Ruan Tang, making Ruan Tang extremely speechless.

  Gu's family, after Xu Tianlang arrived, the counterfeit immediately gained confidence.

   But she was reluctant to go to the restaurant to talk, and planned to talk at Gu's house.

   Ruan Mingyi was worried about how to contact Ruan Tang, and naturally he was not happy.

  Things froze.

  The impostor sees that Ruan Mingyi has been reluctant to talk about it, suspecting that he was lying before, and his attitude is very rude.

   But in front of Xu Tianlang, she didn't dare to say it too harshly.

   Ruan Mingyi was helpless, so he could only borrow Gu's landline to call his family and want to contact Ruan Tang.

  Unfortunately, by the time he called, Ruan Tang and Xie Ci had already set off, so naturally he didn't find anyone.

   Now, the counterfeit felt even more that Ruan Mingyi was still lying.

  The words started to become hard to hear.

   Ruan Tang just listened to 008's retelling, and felt a burst of fire, not to mention Ruan Mingyi's feelings.

   Fortunately, Gu’s house is not too far away. At this time, there are few cars on the road, and there is no camera to record the violation. The taxi driver drove the car very fast.

   So it only took ten minutes for Ruan Tang and Xie Ci to arrive downstairs at Gu's house.

After    gave the money, the two immediately got out of the car and strode inside.

   As soon as I went upstairs, I heard the impostor chasing people: "Ruan Mingyi, since you have nothing to say, please leave immediately. We have already broken up, so don't bother.

  You have a good job and look good. Even without me, you can quickly find a **** who is willing to marry you. Why do you have to pester me? "

   Ruan Tang immediately accelerated.

   She wanted to fly directly up, but saw that many people in the corridor had opened the door and were eavesdropping on their ears.

   There is no way, so many people are watching, she can't fly up directly, she can only speed up and fly upstairs.

   As soon as she got up, she heard the impostor say again: "Ruan Mingyi, what do you want to do? You said you wanted to talk to me, I agreed, but you refused to say anything.

   Now I want you to leave, but you refuse to leave? what on earth do you want? We've broken up, can you wake up a little? "

   Ruan Tang took a look and found that the counterfeit was standing at the door with the door open, looking like he was chasing people.

   Ruan Mingyi didn't come out, so she couldn't see Ruan Mingyi's face now.

   But even if she can't see it, she can guess it.

  It's all like this, Ruan Mingyi's face must be extremely ugly now.

   So she strode over and said generously, "I'm here to find my cousin. Don't worry, I will persuade him well."

   The impostor changed his face instantly when he saw her.

   Immediately afterwards, she subconsciously looked behind Ruan Tang, and she saw the thank you speech.

   The impostor immediately put a smile on his face: "It would be great if you could persuade your cousin. He won't leave when he comes. I'm about to die of worry."

Having said that, she looked at Xie Ci with a smile and asked, "By the way, I still don't know what your name is? Can you talk about it? My name is Gu Yuntong. ,Nice to meet you."

   Ruan Tang: "???"

   When she doesn't exist?

   (end of this chapter)

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