Chapter 1174 Hypnosis?

   Fakes are very disturbed.

   This girl named Tangtang, she didn't pay much attention to it.

  Although this Tangtang is very beautiful, she doesn't look very old, so she can't be her opponent at all.

   She has previous life experience, and it is easy to deal with this little girl.

   But how could this be?

   This girl can actually hypnotize!

   Should be hypnosis, right?

   I played it like this in TV dramas, and I hypnotized people with a snap of my fingers.

   She thought it was all fake, who knew that such a person actually existed in reality?

   The impostor was terrified, she was scared now, this Tangtang's ability was too terrifying.

   just snapped his fingers, and Xu Tianlang was hypnotized.

   What if she was?

   Is she going to be hypnotized soon?

  She doesn't want this!

   The impostor screamed in horror: "You, you...don't come here! Come over to me again..." and shouted.

The three words after   , the counterfeit couldn't say it.

   She didn't know what was going on, but Ruan Tang waved her hand lightly, and she couldn't make a sound!

How could this be?

   Could it be that this person's ability is not just hypnosis? She she she... Could she be the kind of psychic in the movie?

  No no no, definitely not true!

   Is this world a fantasy?

The more    the impostor thought, the more terrified she became, but she forgot that she herself was resurrected from the dead.

   Ruan Tang saw that she stopped screaming, so she stretched out her hand again and grabbed the impostor's soul body directly from Gu Yuntong's body.

The appearance of the    spirit body is exactly the appearance of the impostor after his death.

   Her appearance can be said to be appalling.

  The driver stepped on the accelerator when he hit her, so he was going very fast, hitting her with multiple fractures all over her body.

   So her soul body and limbs are twisted, even her neck is crooked.

   Ruan Tang felt that her eyes were too hot, so she simply let her return to the way she was before the car accident.

   It's a pity that this look is also very hot. After all, the plastic surgery failed.

   Ruan Tang looked at the screaming soul, her eyes flashed, and she quickly saw her past.

   Seeing this, she was extremely speechless.

   The name of the soul body is Gu Yun, which is just one word behind Gu Yuntong.

  It is probably for this reason that she inexplicably attached herself to Gu Yuntong after her death.

   This Gu Yun was not good-looking since he was a child, so he was often bullied. Although she is cowardly and doesn't dare to resist when she is bullied, she has always dreamed of counterattacking in her heart.

   So after she learned that she could have plastic surgery for free by participating in the show, she immediately went without hesitation.

   Who knew the surgery would fail.

   In order to get money for repair surgery, she mustered up the courage to defend her rights, but unfortunately she failed.

   Later, she borrowed money everywhere, and even took out a routine loan, but she still couldn't pay it.

   So I came up with the idea of ​​touching porcelain again.

   As a result, he met a ruthless driver and was directly killed by the other party.

   Speaking of which, her experience from childhood to adulthood is also pitiful, but it is a pity that her brain is not good, and she refuses to work hard to lose weight. Instead, she pinned all her hopes on free cosmetic surgery.

   Free stuff, how good can it be?

   What's more, that's another country.

   Even if you are bullied, it is difficult to defend your rights.

  Unfortunately, Gu Yun never thought about this.

   She did the surgery without hesitation, and wanted to become a beautiful woman, and then she would find a handsome, rich and handsome husband-in-law.

   So after possessing Gu Yuntong, she knew that Gu Yuntong's soul body was still there, but she refused to leave.

   also ridiculed Gu Yuntong's bad eyesight, and fell in love with Ruan Mingyi, a hopeless man.

   (end of this chapter)

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