Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1181: She won't be killed, will she?

   Chapter 1181 She won't be killed, will she?

   Xu Tianlang was frightened by the memory in his mind.

   In my memory, there was a woman who was actively pursuing him during this time, and that woman was very ugly!

  Xu Tianlang didn't dare to think about it anymore.

   He felt a little nauseated.

   As long as he thinks of an ugly woman coveting him, he has the urge to vomit.

   His face grew paler and he soon made up his mind.

  Uncle always told him to go to Longjing, so he should go there.

  What if he stays here and the ugly woman comes to disgust him again?

  Xu Tianlang decisively decided to run away.


   After Ruan Tang and Xie Ci left Gu's house, they did not go directly back to Ruan Mingyi's house, but took a taxi to another place.

  Xie Ci has done nothing on the surface for these years, but in fact has already established a business kingdom secretly.

   Every city in the country has his house.

  Qingcheng also has it.

   Although Ruan Tang and Xie Ci came to visit Ruan Aimin and them as ordered by Jiang Chunshui, they did not plan to live with them.

   The house where Ruan Aimin and the others live now is not very big, but Xie Mingzhi and Xie Mingliang are not there, so the family can make room for people.

   However, Ruan Tang and Xie Ci did not intend to wrong themselves.

   They have a place to live, so they don’t need to be crowded with Ruan Aimin and the others.

   Living outside makes it easy to do whatever you want.

   However, if they lived outside, Ruan Aimin and Xie Hanmei would definitely be worried and had to figure out a way to fool them.

  Xie Ci’s house in Qingcheng is a two-story garden villa with a yard.

  Although he doesn't usually come to live, he arranged for someone to take care of the house for him, including cleaning the house and taking care of the flowers and plants in the yard.

  So when Ruan Tang and Xie Ci arrived, the flowers in the yard were blooming just right.

   Ruan Tang looked at the flowers with satisfaction, and was about to enter when he suddenly noticed something.

   She changed her face instantly and stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

  Xie Ci followed her, and his face became extremely ugly.

   There is someone inside!

   This was something they didn't expect.

   Although he had arranged for someone to take care of the house, before this visit, Xie Ci also explained to him that he and Ruan Tang wanted to come over and have the house cleaned up.

   But he never thought that there would be people in the house!

   Ruan Tang glanced at Xie Ci unhappily: "It seems that even if you do it all over again, you still have a lot of rotten peach blossoms."

  Xie Ci's face instantly turned darker.

   He pulled Ruan Tang and left: "If you don't go in first, I'll hit an arc and drive people out."

   Ruan Tang did not refuse.

   She doesn't want to see any rotten peach blossoms.

   It is best not to meet.

   Who knew that the two of them had just turned around and walked two steps, when an exclamation came from behind: "Ah, is it Mr. here?"

   is a woman's voice, and it sounds pretty good. After listening to it, my heart softened.

   Ruan Tang looked at Xie Ci subconsciously and found that his face was even more ugly.

   She thought Xie Ci's black face was quite interesting, and couldn't help joking: "It seems that people are reluctant to let you go."

  Xie Ci with a dark face: "Is that you?"

   Ruan Tang: "…"


   At the same time, in a remote village, a woman was lying on the ground covered in scars.

   Her hair was messy, and her clothes were badly worn.

  The woman curled up on the ground with her eyes closed, looking thin and small, as if she had lost her breath.

   stood two women, one of them asked in panic, "Mom, she won't be killed, will she?"

   At this moment, the woman lying down suddenly opened her eyes.

   (end of this chapter)

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