Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1196: family dog ​​bites dog

   Chapter 1196 A family dog ​​bites a dog

   Zheng Baoguo's right hand and left leg were broken, and most of the money saved in the family was robbed.

  Wu Laidi was angry that he broke his shoes and secretly gave birth to a son outside.

   Zheng Baoguo had to run hard with a stick to find the little widow.

   Who knew that the other party would not let him in at all, and even found a wild man to beat him up.

   He was so angry that he didn't want Wu Laidi to follow him all the time.

   When he saw that he was beaten, he ran out and asked the little widow to lose money, or else he would sue the police station.

   As a result, the savage man the little widow was looking for was a crook. Not only did she refuse to give money, but she also beat Wu Laidi and took a knife and said she would hack them to death.

   was so frightened that Wu Laidi jumped up and ran away.

   Zheng Baoguo fell to the ground and couldn't get up because he broke his leg.

   could only watch helplessly as Wu Laidi left him and ran away.

  Wu Laidi was afraid of being beaten, for fear that he would be killed if he ran too slowly, so he ran fast all the way.

   When she got home, she happened to see her daughter come back in despair.

  Wu Laidi's face changed instantly. She looked at Zheng Liping dissatisfiedly: "Where have you been? Have you been there again? Didn't I tell you not to go again? Why don't you listen?"

   Zheng Liping looked at her listlessly and refused to pay attention.

  Wu Laidi is even more angry.

   She grabbed Zheng Liping and said, "You talk! What the **** are you doing? You run there every day to kill us, don't you?"

   Zheng Liping suddenly became popular.

She looked at Wu Laidi, who was beaten into a pig's head, with disgust, and threw her hand away: "Where do you care about me? If I don't go there, where do you want me to go? Do you want to stay in this broken house? "

  Wu Laidi is even hotter.

   She never imagined that the always well-behaved daughter would actually speak to her with such an attitude!

   She raised her hand, but couldn't be ruthless, she just waited for Zheng Liping to say: "Zheng Liping, what is your attitude? I am your mother, and you actually talk to me with this attitude!"

   Zheng Liping screamed angrily: "Then what attitude do you think I should take? What if you are my mother? Did you hurt me enough? If it weren't for you, how could we be kicked out?"

   Her cry ignited Wu Laidi's anger, and she sneered angrily: "You still have the face to talk about me! If you hadn't offended that girl, how could we have been kicked out?"

  Yes, it was this dead girl who offended that little **** from the beginning.

   That little **** started to trouble them.

   That's right, it's all the fault of this dead girl!

   She actually has the face to shirk responsibility!

  Wu Laidi became angrier the more she thought about it.

   Zheng Liping is also very popular.

   She is like a lit firecracker, ready to explode at any moment.

   After being silent for a while with a gloomy face, she suddenly said: "It's all that woman! She harmed us! She deliberately gave up Mr. Xie, and then let Wang Xueliang kill us.

   Mr. Xie must know nothing and was blinded by her! As long as I can meet Mr. Xie and tell him what that woman did, he will definitely decide for me! "

  Unfortunately, she went there several times, but she never met.

   It must be that woman who is still doing the trick!

   Is she afraid?

  Afraid that Mr. Xie would like her, so did you deliberately not let Mr. Xie come over?

   That woman is so vicious!

   Zheng Liping hated it the more she thought about it.

   Wu Laidi is rarely more rational than her.

   She didn't think Xie Fa would take a fancy to Zheng Liping.

   (end of this chapter)

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