Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 198: Medicine is the way

   Chapter 198 Medicine is the Tao


   Ruan Tang was instantly stunned.

   She remembered that 008 once mentioned that there is everything in the prize pool, including exercises.

   But she has never won the lottery, and it sounds too fantastical.

   She has not paid much attention to it.

   Result... Really got it?

   Wouldn't it be another pit?

   Ruan Tang always felt a little unbelievable.

   She was silent for a while, still unable to believe it was true.

   In the end, she was silent, but 008 was dissatisfied: [Hey, why are you not talking? Aren't you curious about what exercises you won? This is the ultimate black card! 】

   Ruan Tang thought for a while, and felt that his reaction seemed to be a little disrespectful, so he asked curiously, "What exercises?"

   [Yes...] 008 just said a word, and suddenly changed his words, [You should wait and see for yourself, anyway, you made a lot of money this time. 】

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   What's the matter with a bad premonition all of a sudden?

   Why does she feel more and more like a scammer?

  Do you want to take a look now?

   Ruan Tang was a little bit eager to move, but thought that the thank you speech was next to him...

and many more!

  Thanks are right next to you!

   She also held the hand of thanks!

   Ruan Tang quickly let go of Xie Ci's hand, and was particularly neat and ruthless, like a scumbag who had to cross a river to demolish a bridge and throw it away after use.

  Thank you: "…"

   He took a deep look at Ruan Tang, who was a thief with a guilty conscience, and curled the corners of his lips in confusion, as if he had found nothing and said, "I'll go to the neighborhood to see if there's anything to eat. It's okay for you to be alone, right?"

   Ruan Tang was overjoyed when she heard the words, she was sadly beside her, so she didn't dare to open the system panel!

   So when she heard this, she quickly said: "No! You go! I'm fine by myself!"

  Xie Ci said, "Okay then, I'll take a look around, be careful, call me if you see a snake."

   Ruan Tang nodded quickly, looking very well-behaved: "You go, I'm not afraid."

   Thank you and leave soon.

  Leave Ruan Tang in place.

   She looked at the back of Xie Ci's departure with a guilty conscience. After seeing him walking away, she squatted down and pretended to dig wild vegetables, but in fact she secretly opened the system panel.

   The system panel can only be seen by her, not by others.

   But if there are outsiders, Ruan Tang still dare not open it casually.

   Because once she looks at the system panel, her eyes will stay on the system panel.

   As long as she is a meticulous person, she will definitely find that there is a problem with her vision.

   Ruan Tang did not dare to take risks.

  Thanks are not here at the moment, but she can take a good look.

   After opening the system panel, Ruan Tang immediately checked the prizes drawn this time.

   Especially the supreme black card that 008 said.

   Before looking at it, Ruan Tang already had a hunch in his heart that this time it was another swindle.

   However, when she really saw it, she was still dumbfounded.

   "Medicine is Tao? What kind of exercise is this?"

Why does    seem to be related to medicine?

Is    medical arithmetic?

   Ruan Tang curiously opened the exercise, but as soon as she clicked down, the exercise turned into a streamer and got into her mind.

   At that moment, a large amount of information poured in frantically, and Ruan Tang almost screamed in pain!

   But thinking that Xie Ci was nearby, she still tried her best to hold back, for fear of being discovered by Xie Ci.

   After a while, the severe pain that seemed to split his brain gradually weakened.

   When Ruan Tang recovered, he was already in a cold sweat.

   She wiped the sweat from her face and began to try to flip through the contents of her mind.

   (end of this chapter)

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