Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 202: story in the book

   Chapter 202 Plot in the Book

   Ruan Tang remembers that when "My Life" was released, it was announced that it was the autobiography of the author Ruan Yuting.

   did not say that it was actually an autobiographical novel.

  The so-called autobiography is written about the author's own personal experience.

The    autobiographical novel is different, it is based on the author's own personal experience, and then fiction and processing.

   This book became popular soon after its release. The main reason is that it seems to be written very realistically, and the plot is particularly ups and downs, which makes people unable to stop watching.

   Although Ruan Tang doesn't like Ruan Yuting, she thinks this novel is very spicy.

   But she still felt that Ruan Yuting's writing was quite good.

   This book is very well described and it is easy to be immersed in the scene.

  Because it is the first person, readers can easily substitute themselves into the protagonist Ruan Yuting. Naturally, she hates Ruan Tang, the vicious female partner in the book.

   If it wasn't for the vicious female partner in the book with the same name and surname as himself, Ruan Tang would not have been unable to watch it.

   But this time, Ruan Tang took it very seriously.

   She wanted to see how much Ruan Yuting wrote in this book.

   However, when she saw Ruan Tang bullying Ruan Yuting, the vicious female partner, Ruan Tang rolled her eyes speechlessly.

   She endured it, she couldn't help it, she simply skipped some descriptions that reversed black and white, and just watched the development of the plot.

   Just when she was about to lose sight of it, Ruan Tang finally saw the key point - Ruan Mingcheng married Wang Zhaodi.

  The description of Wang Zhaodi in the book is quite realistic. The Wang family's preference for sons over women, Wang Zhaodi was forced to work by her family from childhood to adulthood, as well as her rough appearance and the lingering smell of her body are all written down.

   Ruan Yuting's writing is really good. She writes Wang Zhaodi very vividly. After reading it, people feel that Wang Zhaodi is standing in front of her alive, and she can even smell the pig dung on her body.

   Ruan Mingcheng was also written in the book, but when it was written about him, it was obviously deliberately smeared.

   The Ruan Mingcheng in the book is average-looking, not particularly outstanding, but he yearns for the city and wants to marry a city girl.

   He also unconditionally protects his shortcomings, is unreasonable, and always helps Ruan Tang, a vicious female partner, to bully Ruan Yuting.

   Ruan Mingli's image is even worse, he is a second-rate who likes to fight.

  The book also specifically wrote the reason why Ruan Mingcheng married Wang Zhaodi, saying that Ruan Mingcheng wanted to deceive a female educated youth to marry him, but he was about to succeed. Wang Zhaodi's cousin Wang Fugui suddenly molested the vicious female partner Ruan Tang.

   Ruan Mingcheng and Ruan Mingli knew about this, and both brothers were very dissatisfied.

   In order to stand up for Ruan Tang, Ruan Mingli ran to beat Wang Fugui, but he beat Wang Fugui into a cripple.

  Wang Fugui is the heart of the Wang family. He was beaten and disabled. The Wang family quit and forced Ruan Mingcheng to marry Wang Zhaodi. Otherwise, they would call the police and arrest Ruan Mingli and go to jail.

   So in order to keep Ruan Mingli, the Ruan family not only let Ruan Mingcheng marry Wang Zhaodi, but also gave a lot of betrothal gifts.

  The plot in the book is really written with climaxes, and after people read it, they will feel that Ruan Mingcheng deserves it.

   A phoenix man with a heart higher than the sky who wanted to deceive the feelings of the female educated youth was forced to marry the dirty and smelly Wang Zhaodi, which was very pleasing.

  Wang Zhaodi is still a helper demon!

   Ruan Mingcheng's marriage to her is equivalent to marrying the entire royal family, and life is miserable.

   Seeing such a plot, can Ruan Tang be angry?

   But what made her even more angry was still to come.

   (end of this chapter)

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