Chapter 204 She Heard

   Hearing 008's words, Ruan Tang narrowed her eyes angrily and looked at Wang Zhaodi coldly.

   Seeing that she really walked towards Ruan Mingcheng, Ruan Tang's face sank instantly.

   But she didn't rush out rashly, what if it was a misunderstanding?

   She decided to wait and see what happened.

  I saw that Wang Zhaodi walked straight towards Ruan Mingcheng and stopped by the field.

   She was holding a kettle in her hand, and it looked a little mottled from a distance, it must have fallen off the paint.

   Ruan Tang heard her talking to Ruan Mingcheng, but it was a little far away, and Wang Zhaodi's voice was not loud, so she couldn't understand what Wang Zhaodi said to Ruan Mingcheng.

   can only say to 008: "Xiaohua, please help me monitor and see what she said!"

  008 took the opportunity to give her Amway: [Actually, if you practice cultivation, your five senses will improve. Even from a distance, you can hear it clearly. 】

   Ruan Tang: "…"

  What should I do if I feel a little excited?

   No, the spicy chicken system is definitely not at ease!

   She can't be fooled!

   She pretended not to hear anything, and urged with a cold face: "Help me monitor!"

  008 secretly snorted, and then started to work: [Okay, the monitoring starts. 】

   As soon as he finished speaking, Ruan Tang heard Wang Zhaodi's voice.

   I just heard her say, "Brother Mingcheng, I'm here to apologize to you. You're sweating so much, drink some water first."

   After he finished speaking, he handed Ruan Mingcheng the kettle in his hand.

   Ruan Mingcheng didn't answer, instead he avoided it coldly: "Take it back, I don't need it."

  Wang Zhaodi stubbornly handed out the water bottle and asked in a hurt tone, "Brother Mingcheng, do you dislike me?

   You see your voice is hoarse, you must be very thirsty, hurry up and drink water, or your throat should be sore. "

   However, Ruan Mingcheng's attitude was even colder: "I said no need, you go back quickly, I will go home soon."

   He's a bit of a clean freak, just his own family, but he won't drink water from an outsider's kettle.

  Wang Zhaodi was obviously very unwilling. Not only did she not leave, but she continued, "Brother Mingcheng, I didn't mean to do this morning, I just..."

   "Wang Zhaodi!" Ruan Mingcheng interrupted her suddenly, "I said it in the morning, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will not let you go!"

   Ruan Tang was a little surprised when he heard this.

  What happened in the morning?

  What's up in the morning?

  Wang Zhaodi entangled Ruan Mingcheng in the morning?

   She is shameless!

   Ruan Tang originally wanted to go out, but when she heard this, she endured it again.

  She wants to know what happened in the morning!

  Wang Zhaodi was probably annoyed by Ruan Mingcheng's attitude, and suddenly became excited: "Ruan Mingcheng, are you really not afraid that I will tell Ruan Tang?"

  Eavesdropping Ruan Tang: "???"

   tell her what?

  Why are you still involved with her?

   "Wang Zhaodi, how dare you!" Ruan Mingcheng was very excited, obviously agitated, "Don't think you are a woman and I won't dare to beat you! If you dare to talk nonsense in front of Tangtang, I will not let you go!"

   "Why am I talking nonsense? Ruan Tang was originally my sister!"

  Wang Zhaodi said excitedly, and suddenly took two steps back, "Ruan Mingcheng, I am serious, as long as you are willing to marry me, I will keep this secret and never tell it!"

  Eavesdropping Ruan Tang: "!!"

   She was completely stupid.

  Wang Zhaodi is her sister?

   Where did this God unfold?

   Ruan Tang was shocked to complain to 008: "Is she mentally ill?"

  008 deliberately reminded her: [She also threatened Ruan Mingcheng to marry her. 】

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   She rolled up her sleeves in anger: "I'll kill her!"

   (end of this chapter)

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