Chapter 219 Wolf Cubs

   Ruan Tang burst into flames.

   At this time, He Xiuqing still has a face that turns black and white, and the thief shouts to catch the thief!

  Do you really think no one can cure her?

   Ruan Tang's face turned cold and strode into the house.

   glanced and saw Ruan Yuting sitting on the head of the bed, crying aggrieved.

  He Xiuqing was sitting beside the bed, crying to the point of tears.

   Ruan Aizhou stood aside, his face a little dark.

   He frowned and didn't say anything. It seemed that he was doubting the truth of this matter, and he didn't know who to believe.

   Ruan Aihua, Tang Hongxiu, Jiang Chunshui and Ruan Laohan were all there.

   and Ruan Mingcheng and Ruan Mingli.

   Ruan Yuting's room was originally quite spacious, but when so many people stood there, it seemed crowded.

   Everyone's faces were very ugly.

   But looking at Ruan Aihua and the others, they should have believed Ruan Mingcheng's words.

   It's just that Ruan Yuting and He Xiuqing made it clear that they refused to admit it, and they probably weren't sure that it was the mother and daughter who did it.

  Otherwise, the scene will only become more chaotic.

   As soon as Ruan Tang entered the room, everyone looked at her.

   She looked at Ruan Yuting and He Xiuqing coldly, only to see Ruan Yuting's eyes flickering, and then she quickly lowered her eyes.

  He Xiuqing is more calm than Ruan Yuting, her eyes are covered with a layer of water mist, looking at it will only make people feel pity, and can't see what she is thinking at all.

   But Ruan Tang didn't care.

   When she came back this time, she didn't plan to make this mother and daughter better!

   Just before she could speak, the old man Ruan suddenly exclaimed: "Tangtang! Where did this little wolf cub come from? How did it come back with you?"

   When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

   A pair of eyes stared at 008, so scared that it quickly hid behind Ruan Tang.

   Only showed his hairy head, and looked at the people in the room curiously, looking very cute.

   Ruan Tang lowered his head and was speechless for a while: "…"

   This spicy chicken system!

   is a super intelligent, can you not be so embarrassed!

   At this moment, He Xiuqing suddenly exclaimed: "'s a wolf cub? Tangtang, why did you bring the wolf cub to the house? What if the mother wolf didn't see the cub and smelled it?"

   Although she did not accuse Ruan Tang explicitly, the meaning in her words was clearly to accuse Ruan Tang of doing something wrong and causing trouble to the family.

   Ruan Tang sneered secretly.

   She knew that as long as He Xiuqing seized the opportunity, he would definitely trouble her.

   If she really brought the little wolf cub back, He Xiuqing might have fooled Ruan Yuting into what he did.

  After all, once a wolf enters the village, it is a big deal.

  Wolf is a pack animal. Once inside the village, the villagers are in danger.

   But the question is, how old is this, where did they get the wolf here?

   Even if there were before, they should have been killed by the time of the famine.

How could    be left to the present?

  He Xiuqing was afraid that she was in a hurry to save Ruan Yuting, so she would say such ridiculous words.

  Old man Ruan is getting old and has bad eyesight, and the light in the room is dark, so he can be forgiven for admitting his mistake.

   What about He Xiuqing?

   Her eyes are not good?

   At this time, Ruan Aihua walked over to Ruan Tang, looked at 008 and said, "This is not a wolf cub, it looks like a dog cub."

   Ruan Tang immediately ordered 008: "Xiaohua, wag your tail."

  008 stupidly raised his tail and shook it tentatively.

  It is still small now, and its tail is not particularly large, but it is fluffy and looks cute.

   Ruan Aihua, who was still a little wary: "…"

  This dog is a bit stupid.

   (end of this chapter)

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