Chapter 230 Divorce!

After Jiang Chunshui finished speaking, he glared at He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting.

   Ruan Tang's words just now reminded her again.

   When Ruan Tang was picked up, Ruan Yuting was still a baby girl, and it was impossible to know about it unless someone told her!

   Ruan Aizhou is impossible to say, that person can only be He Xiuqing!

   This mother and daughter are simply troublemakers!

  Jiang Chunshui regretted it very much.

  Why did she soften her heart and leave them behind?

   Fortunately, it is not too late to make amends.

  Jiang Chunshui looked at the mother and daughter with cold eyes, and suddenly said: "Fourth, the Ruan family is a small family and can't afford to support two ancestors, you should divorce!"

   Ruan Aizhou was shocked when he heard this, and looked at Jiang Chunshui in disbelief.

   Although he is very disappointed with He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting, divorce... He never thought about it.

   He has been married to He Xiuqing for so many years, and they have three children. Divorce...isn't right?

   Ming Gong and Ming Jian are still so young. If he divorces He Xiuqing, what will they do in the future?

   Ruan Aizhou instinctively resisted divorce.

   He doesn't want a divorce.

   "Mom...I..." Ruan Aizhou hesitated for a while, but decided to speak his mind, "Mom, don't be impulsive, I know they did something wrong this time, but is the divorce too serious? I..."

   He was about to go on, when Ruan Minggong outside suddenly shouted, "Dad, that guy surnamed Wang is here this morning!"

   When Ruan Aizhou heard this, the pent-up anger in his heart instantly ignited.

   His face was ashen, he couldn't even speak, he turned around and walked out.

  The surnamed Wang actually dared to come, but he wanted to see what this person wanted to do!

  Jiang Chunshui watched him stride out, and suddenly smiled coldly at He Xiuqing: "That man surnamed Wang is your adulterer, right? Is he Ruan Yuting's biological father?"

  He Xiuqing retorted excitedly: "Mom! What nonsense are you talking about! Comrade Wang and I are just friends, we are innocent, how could Tingting be his daughter? Aizhou is Tingting's biological father!"

   She was **** off.

  Jiang Chunshui actually thought that Wang Jinxue was Ruan Yuting's biological father, which was an insult to her!

  Although Wang Jinxue is really interested in her, he is so ordinary, even Ruan Aizhou, how could she like Wang Jinxue?

   However, Wang Jinxue's talent and work ability are far beyond Ruan Aizhou's. It would be great if these two people could combine them?

   Otherwise, she wouldn't be thinking about that person all the time.

   He is so cruel, he didn't take her with him when he went abroad. Could it be that in his eyes, she was so dispensable that she could be abandoned at any time?

   Thinking of that person's departure without saying goodbye, He Xiuqing felt that his heart was cut by a knife.

   Her life is really hard, not to mention staying in the country and suffering, she finally met a man with good conditions who could make her heart move, but that person actually looked down on her!

   Otherwise, how could she marry Ruan Aizhou?

   Thinking of this, He Xiuqing couldn't help but glance at Ruan Tang, her eyes obscure.

   Ruan Tang quickly noticed it and looked at He Xiuqing subconsciously, puzzled.

   He Xiuqing's eyes were so strange just now, what's going on?

   Ruan Tang looked at He Xiuqing suspiciously, but He Xiuqing lowered his eyes in a guilty conscience, hiding the complicated look in his eyes just now.

   Ruan Tang squinted for a while, but saw nothing.

   At this moment, Wang Jinxue's screams suddenly came from outside.

   "Ah! Ruan Aizhou, what are you doing!"

   (end of this chapter)

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