Chapter 246 Severe

   Ruan Aihua was very angry with He Xiuqing.

After hearing the written receipt, he couldn't bear it any longer: "Since you want to make a written receipt, you have to make a copy. From now on, no one from the Ruan family will come to you, but you can't run back either. Entangled!"

   He Xiuqing sneered angrily: "Do you think I will come back to pester Ruan Aizhou?"

   Anyway, her face was completely torn, so she was too lazy to be polite to Ruan Aihua.

   Ruan Aihua was not polite to her: "Then why do you think Aizhou is going back to pester you?"

  He Xiuqing was so stunned that he couldn't refute, and after holding it for a while, he said unwillingly: "Ming Gong Mingjian is my son after all..."

  Although she despised these two sons, she was a little reluctant to make a letter to sever ties with them.

   Ruan Aihua laughed mockingly: "Then what do you mean, they can find you later?"

  He Xiuqing heard this and said subconsciously, "That won't work!"

   If Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian often run to her in the future, how will she live in the future?

   That's all, the Ruan family is only from the countryside, what will Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian do in the future?

   Instead of leaving these two burdens, it is better to cut off completely now.

   So that they won't be called to ask for money in the future.

   Thinking of this, He Xiuqing immediately made up his mind: "Okay, let's make a letter!"

   Ruan Aihua saw that she had agreed, so he brought a pen and paper and set up a document.

The    document is made in duplicate. After both parties sign, each accepts one of them.

   Ruan Aihua originally wanted to invite the village chief to come over as a witness, but He Xiuqing and Wang Jinxue disagreed, for fear of losing face.

   Ruan Aihua didn't want the matter to spread, so he didn't insist.

   So this matter, only they themselves know.

   After setting up the document, He Xiuqing couldn't wait to leave.

   The two sides have torn their faces, and she really doesn't want to stay at Ruan's house.

  Wang Jinxue couldn't wait to leave.

   But he came by bicycle, so he couldn't take Ruan Yuting with him.

   You can only go back to raise money, borrow a car by the way, and then pick up their mother and daughter.

  He Xiuqing didn't want to stay, but she was worried about leaving Ruan Yuting alone in Ruan's house, so she could only stay temporarily.

   When Wang entered school and left, Tang Hongxiu had already prepared the meal.

   However, the two sides had completely torn their faces, so she did not leave Wang Jin to study for dinner.

   So Wang Jinxue could only ride his bike away hungry under the sun.

   Not long after he left, Old Man Ruan and Jiang Chunshui came back.

  Jiang Chunshui had almost rested and was unwilling to stay with Dr. Zhou. She didn't worry about being at home, so she hurried back.

Only after    came back did he find out that Ruan Aizhou and He Xiuqing had torn apart.

   She was very happy, but just looked at Ruan Aizhou's ugly face, for fear of irritating him, she didn't say anything.

   During the meal, no one paid attention to He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting.

   The meals are all made by Tang Hongxiu, and Ruan Aizhou is now embarrassed to deliver meals to He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting.

   Others will not care about them.

   is that Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian are in a very low mood.

   When the trouble started before, Tang Hongxiu took them into the kitchen and made an excuse to ask them to help fight, but in fact, he didn't want them to hear about those things.

   But the place is so big. When Ruan Aizhou and He Xiuqing quarreled, the voice was quite loud, and the two children still heard it.

   hid in the kitchen and cried for a while.

   After learning that He Xiuqing had established evidence and refused to ask them, the mood of the two children has been very low.

   (end of this chapter)

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