Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 255: The death of Jiang Chunshui

   Chapter 255 The death of Jiang Chunshui

   Ruan Tang recalled this, and suddenly realized that the bad luck charm might really be useful.

   To be honest, these things were really too fantastic for her. She didn't fully believe it at first, but just had the attitude of giving it a try.

   Now it seems that she may be too cautious.

  Since the Bad Luck Talisman is useful, is that set of exercises also true?

   Ruan Tang fell into contemplation.

   Until someone came over.

  The visitor looked at Xie Ci eagerly, and seemed a little afraid of him: "Brother."

  Xie Ci's attitude was cold: "What are you doing here?"

  The person who came said cautiously: "Mom asked me to call you back."

  Xie Ci frowned, looking a little unhappy.

   Ruan Tang couldn't help but say, "If you have something to do, go back first. He came to you on purpose, maybe there is something at home that needs you."

  Thank you and said, "Well, then I'll go back first."

   After he finished speaking, he called the man and walked out with him.

   Ruan Tang's expression changed as she watched the two leave.

   Before crossing over, although she hadn't read the spicy chicken novel, she also knew that the affectionate male supporters in it had a bad background.

   Xie Ci in the novel is good-looking and gentle, but his parents are terrible, and he also has a bad brother.

   Mingming Xie Ci was very good, but his parents only liked his useless younger brother, and often let Xie Ci be a bull and a horse.

   is like another Wang Zhaodi.

   But the boy who came to thank him just now was clearly afraid of him, and he didn't look like a **** like Wang Fugui.

   Is the spicy chicken novel scribbled, or is something wrong with Xie Ci?

   Ruan Tang was unsure for a while, and shook his head after thinking for a while.

  The present thank you speech is clearly a black and white, even the 008 system is afraid of him to death.

  Where does he need to worry?

   Even if his family is really as weird as the Wang family, with his ability, he can take care of those people obediently.

  After all, thank you is not the real Wang Zhaodi.

  Wang Zhaodi did not dare to resist, thank you for resigning.

  What Wang Zhaodi dare not do, Xie Ci dares to do it.

   So what else does she have to worry about?

   Ruan Tang sat for a while, worried about Jiang Chunshui's situation.

   But she is at home now and can't do anything.

   So she thought about it, and went back to her room. After closing the door, she took out the spicy chicken novel again and started to read it.

  It seems to have been mentioned on the Internet that Jiang Chunshui was killed by a vicious female supporter.

   She has to see how it is written in the novel!

   When did Jiang Chunshui happen!

   Ruan Tang took out the entire set of books and searched through the catalogue.

   I quickly found the plot of [The Death of Jiang Chunshui], and quickly turned to there, reading word by word.

  The plot goes like this:

  ["Jiang Chunshui" was killed by the vicious female partner "Ruan Tang", because "Ruan Tang" insisted on finding Zhang Yunwen who abandoned her, and stole money from the family.

   It even includes life-saving money for the operation of "Jiang Chunshui".

   "Jiang Chunshui" has a heart disease, and because of "Ruan Tang", her heart disease has become more and more serious, and she must undergo surgery or die.

   After finally collecting the surgery fee, "Ruan Tang" took it all away.

   "Jiang Chunshui" was already seriously ill, and when he found out about it, he died of anger.

   Before she died, she finally repented and felt that she was wrong and should not be partial to "Ruan Tang" and treated Ruan Yuting badly.

   But Ruan Yuting is very generous. Not only did she not complain about "Jiang Chunshui", but she also forgave her, so that "Jiang Chunshui" had a problem in her mind, so that she would not die. 】

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   (end of this chapter)

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