Chapter 259 Never expected

   Ruan Tang had to reach the top of the mountain before the sun came out, so he got up very early and it was still dark.

  There are trees in the mountains, and the light is even dim.

  There are many snakes and worms in the mountains, especially when it is so dark.

  Most of the snakes and worms are nocturnal and like to hide in dark places for sneak attacks.

   When entering the mountain at this time, it is easy to be attacked by snakes and insects.

   Ruan Tang originally had this scruple, but 008 told her that she could help her drive away the snakes and insects, so she decided to take a risk.

After entering the mountain, Ruan Tang immediately took out the flashlight and climbed all the way to the top of the mountain.

   It was the first time for her to come out so early, and she was not used to it, so she wasted a lot of time on the way.

   Not long after reaching the top of the mountain, light appeared on the horizon.

   It's about to dawn.

   Soon the sun will rise.

   Ruan Tang did not dare to delay, and quickly began to practice according to the body training method mentioned in "Medicine is the Tao".

   There is a complete set of body refining techniques in "Medicine is the Tao", the difficulty is progressive from low to high, and the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is.

   Ruan Tang has studied the most basic movements, and found that some movements are a bit like yoga movements, some movements like aerobics, and some martial arts movements.

   I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, or it’s simply copied from yoga and martial arts.

   Ruan Tang exercised a lot before crossing over, and also specialized in martial arts. At this time, it is not difficult to practice this basic body refining technique.

   And as soon as she practiced, she found that her body is very flexible, and she should have a foundation in dancing.

  This era is not like later generations, there are dance classes everywhere, you can sign up if you want to learn.

   Ruan Tang guessed that the original owner should have learned the dance from Tang Hongxiu since childhood.

   Most of them were hiding in the house and learning secretly. Otherwise, if someone knew about it and reported it, it would be impossible for the Ruan family to be as calm as it is now.

   This is cheap for her.

   Her body is very young, when her body is flexible, and she has dance skills, her flexibility is even better.

  A lot of movements that are very difficult for ordinary people, she can easily do.

   Ruan Tang couldn't help feeling excited.

   When she first saw that exercise, she thought it was too difficult, and it must be dangerous to practice, so she didn't want to take the risk to learn it at all.

  Who knew that this body would bring her such a surprise!

   If she had known this would happen earlier, why would she have struggled in the first place!

   After the excitement, Ruan Tang quickly settled down and continued to train.

   Gradually, a fiery red morning glow appeared on the horizon, and the sun was about to rise.

   Ruan Tang looked at the glow of the sky in the distance, and was so shocked that he couldn't help thinking of the method of absorbing qi into the body.

  As a result, before she knew it, she sank into a strange state.

   The scenery in front of me gradually changed.

  The fiery red glow disappeared, turning into a lacquered piece.

   Immediately afterwards, a little bit of fluorescence suddenly appeared in the darkness.

  These fluorescents are colorful, floating quietly in the dark and looking so pretty.

   Ruan Tang couldn't help reaching out and grabbed those fluorescent lights.

   As soon as he raised his hand, those fluorescent lights seemed to have some kind of traction and suddenly flew towards her.

   Ruan Tang subconsciously began to absorb and refine, and at this moment, she suddenly saw a purple mist in the distance.

   That purple color was so pretty, she fell in love with it at first sight, and instinctively wanted to absorb it.

   However, after she stretched out her hand, the purple mist didn't even bother her!

   Ruan Tang: I never imagined that I was actually a genius in cultivation!

   (end of this chapter)

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