Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 271: The big devil is here

   Chapter 271 The Great Demon King is here

   Nguyen Aizhou was extremely remorseful.

   He used to think that his son had parents to help take care of him, and he didn't need to spend too much time.

   On the other hand, He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting were always targeted. He should have treated them better so that they would not be wronged.

   Now I realize that my son needs him so much.

   And he has been partial to He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting all these years. Not only did Jiang Chunshui suffer from a heart attack, but even his two sons became sensitive.

   What about He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting?

   How did they treat him?

   One deceived his feelings and secretly took Ruan Yuting to hang out with Wang Jinxue.

   One was not his own, and he helped He Xiuqing to deceive him, keeping him in the dark.

   Ruan Aizhou recalled the hopeful eyes of his two sons, and closed his eyes fiercely!

   They didn't even tell him that they wanted his mother to come back, which shows how much they dislike He Xiuqing's biological mother.

  The two children are so sensible, isn't he as a father as even the two sons?

  If he was still soft-hearted towards He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting, thinking about them, how could he be their father, how could he be Jiang Chunshui's son?

   Thinking of this, Ruan Aizhou ruthlessly wiped the wetness from the corners of his eyes, and decided to completely treat He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting as strangers from now on!


   Ruan Tang didn't know Ruan Aizhou's thoughts, she sat on the bed and started practicing again.

   She wants to cultivate enough spiritual power to activate the puppet as soon as possible, so she must hurry up.

   With the operation of the exercise, various colors of fluorescence invisible to the naked eye in the dark gradually converged towards Ruan Tang.

   These fluorescent lights are extremely beautiful, like the Milky Way in the sky, floating and rotating, from all directions, gradually gathered around Ruan Tang, and was absorbed and refined by her.

   On the other side, in an ordinary farmhouse courtyard, Xie Ci stood in front of the window, looking in the direction of Ruan's house, and suddenly smiled.

   The yard where he lives looks dilapidated, even the walls are made of rammed earth, and the roof is only covered with thatch.

  However, the house where Xie Ci lived was a different place.

   All the furniture is newly made, the beds and quilts are clean and tidy, and even the walls are covered with a layer of white ash, which is obviously carefully arranged.

   It was late at night, because it was getting late and most of the households had already fallen asleep.

  Xie Ci was still wearing clothes, as if he had no intention of going to sleep.

   He stood in front of the window and watched for a while. After laughing, he quickly opened the door and walked out.

   Then he flipped over the fence lightly and quietly came outside Ruan's house.

   But he didn't go in, he just stood and watched for a while, then quickly turned and left, disappearing into the dark night.

   In the room, Ruan Tang was unaware of all this, only 008 was so scared that he hid in his nest and shivered.

  Its nest is made by Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian together. It is a basket made of bamboo strips, which is quite delicate.

   Although the two are young, their minds are very meticulous.

   Afraid that the bamboo thorns would pierce into 008, the two also used a knife to process each bamboo strip and made it into an arc shape.

  008 After receiving the nest, although he was disgusted with his mouth, his body was very honest, and he refused to come down when he was lying on it.

  It also secretly moved the nest to Ruan Tang's bedroom, and when Ruan Tang practiced, he lay beside him to rub his spiritual energy.

   Who knew that today, rubbing against each other, the big devil will come!

   Although he didn't come in, he still frightened 008.

  It hid in the nest tremblingly, until Xie Ci turned and left, then secretly relieved, and then looked at Ruan Tang who was cultivating with complex eyes.

  Riwan~ Today's update is here~ I hope the fairies can support a lot~ If there is a monthly ticket, vote for the monthly ticket~

   (end of this chapter)

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