Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 275: The face that can make Tao Li Fang Fei lose all color

   Chapter 275 The face that can make Tao Li Fangfei pale

   Ruan Tang widened his eyes again, Xie Ci even knew this!

   Sure enough, it is an old monster who is hidden!

   No, the title of the old monster is too disrespectful, it is the grandfather!

  Thinking of this, Ruan Tang suddenly saw Xie Ci's face that could make Tao Li Fangfei pale, so he silently changed "Grandpa" to "Big Brother".

   Grandpa or something, I'm so sorry to say thank you for that face now.

  No way, she is always so principled!

   But she has to clarify: "I'll take care of the little troubles like He Xiuqing myself, so I won't bother you."

   Although the thank you speech was polite, Ruan Tang didn't want to take advantage of him.

  Xieci such a dangerous person, as long as she occasionally gives her a little bit of European gas.

   She really doesn't want much!

   She understands the principle of accepting it as soon as it is good!

   "Okay, leave it to you. It's late, it's time to go back."

   After saying thank you, he turned around and left, Ruan Tang silently followed behind him, like a daughter-in-law.

   She was thinking about something.

   Judging from the tasks released by the system and the feeling of thanking her, this thank you must be very dangerous!

  Although I don't know why a character like him appears in a place like Shanhe Village, Xie Ci should not like that idiot in 008.

  008 is so afraid of him, he is definitely not the opponent of thank you.

  Xie Ci's eyes when he looked at 008 didn't seem coveted, but more like disgust.

   So, she doesn't have to worry that Xie Ci will attack her because of 008.

   A dangerous person like him must have his own pride.

   As long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke him, Xie Ci should be disdainful of taking action against a small person like her.

   So rounding up is, is she safe now?

   Thinking of this, Ruan Tang immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

   Even reading the thank you speech felt a lot pleasing to the eye.

  Unfortunately, 008 has run away, and he has no idea what Ruan Tang is thinking at this time.

  Otherwise you must roll your eyes.

   Little people?

   How many are there in your heart!

   When the two returned to Ruan's house, 008 was already hiding.

   Ruan Tang took the wild vegetables into the kitchen, soaked them in clean water, and planned to make them cold later.

   Then he asked Tang Hongxiu: "Mom, do you still have beans at home? I want to make some tofu."

   Tang Hongxiu was taken aback for a moment: "Making tofu? Why did you suddenly want to make this?"

  It is a bit troublesome to make tofu in the countryside, so it is not often done.

   Ruan Tang suddenly made tofu, and Tang Hongxiu was inevitably a little surprised.

   Ruan Tang said subconsciously: "Well, thank you and want to eat."

  Tang Hongxiu's face changed instantly, and he looked at Ruan Tang suspiciously: Xie Ci wants to eat, so you will make it for him? When did you get along so well with him?

   But she still said, "There are still beans, wait a minute, I'll get them for you."

After    finished speaking, he found beans from the cabinet and poured some out: "Tangtang, do you think these are enough?"

   Ruan Tang took a look and found that she had poured a little too much, and Xie Ci would definitely not be able to finish it all by herself.

   But it doesn’t matter, there are so many people in the family, it’s definitely not a waste.

   She smiled: "Thank you Mom, that's enough."

  Tang Hongxiu quickly collected the remaining beans: "That's fine, I'll soak it now."

   Ruan Tang hurriedly said: "No need now! Xie Ci said that he was going to fetch spring water to soak in, and we'll talk about it when he fetches water back."

   Tang Hongxiu was surprised again when he heard this.

   is just to make tofu, but Xie Ci actually went to the mountain spring water specially, which is too particular.

   Just his small body, is it alright?

  Tang Hongxiu suddenly felt that it was necessary for her to remind her to pay attention to safety.

  Xie Ci is a good boy, it would be a pity if something happened.

   Ruan Tang: Weak, pitiful, and helpless.

  008: Haha.

  Thank you: What my family Tangtang said is what, do you have any opinions?

  008: T_T

   (end of this chapter)

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