Chapter 277 Two dramas

   Ruan Tang agreed with Tang Hongxiu obediently, and then wrote down the thank you note in a small notebook, intending to find the place in the future.

   Tang Hongxiu didn't say anything more when she saw her promise, and directly greeted Ruan Tang for breakfast.

   When she was just having breakfast, she couldn't help but look at Xie Ci a few more times.

   The more I looked, the more I felt that Xie Ci was interested in Ruan Tang.

   His eyes couldn't deceive anyone.

   It's just that every time Ruan Tang looked over, he pretended to be nothing, for fear of being discovered by her.

   is quite shy.

  Tang Hongxiu couldn't help but feel amused, and couldn't help but think of Ruan Aihua who was like this when he was young.

   always looked at her furtively, and when she found out, she blushed like a monkey's ass.

   Can't even speak.

  I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, so many years have passed.

   She lost contact with her family for many years.

  I don't know if she and her family can be reunited.

   Thinking of this, Tang Hongxiu's mood became lost again, and he didn't have the heart to observe the small movements between Xie Ci and Ruan Tang.

   After breakfast, Xie Ci didn't know whether it was a guilty conscience or had something to do, so he said goodbye directly to Ruan Tang.

   Ruan Tang now wished that he was as far away as possible. Hearing that he had something to go, he immediately sent him out, and waved at him very enthusiastically: "Go and be busy, be careful on the road."

  It’s best to leave and don’t come back!

  Xie Ci saw her thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help being angry and funny.

  This girl is really small and heartless.

   That’s all, write it down first, and settle accounts with her later.

  When the time comes, he can get it back with interest.

  Xie Cichao smiled meaningfully at Ruan Tang: "Tangtang, I'm waiting to eat the tofu you made."

   Seeing that the smile on Ruan Tang's face disappeared instantly, he smiled and left.

   Ruan Tang: "…"

  Very good, keep it down!

  Let's see later! snort!

   She closed the door unhappy, turned around and went back to the room, and suddenly found that 008, who had been missing, was hiding under her bed!

   Ruan Tang frowned a little unhappily: "Why did you hide here?"

  008 timidly climbed out from under the bed, shook the ashes on his body, and glanced at Ruan Tang sadly.

   Ruan Tang laughed angrily at it: "Hey, what's your expression? You ran so fast today, left me alone to face Xie Ci, that bastard, I haven't settled with you yet."

  008 widened his eyes unexpectedly: [You finally found out that he is a bastard? 】

   However, as soon as he finished speaking, he covered his mouth with fright, and he was terrified in his heart.

  It's over, it just said that the big devil is a bastard!

   It would be bad for him to hear it!

   will be ordered!

  008 was nervous for a while. Seeing Ruan Tang's angry look, he was suddenly a little afraid that she would settle accounts in the autumn, so he deliberately asked: [By the way, what did he say to you? 】

   Ruan Tang originally wanted to settle accounts with it, but after hearing it, he immediately remembered what Xie Ci said.

   She thought about it for a while and felt that she should try it out.

   said: "He said he liked my cooking, so he would never hurt me."

  008: […] It really sucks!

  It looked at Ruan Tang with complicated eyes: [What do you think? 】

   Ruan Tang said as a matter of course: "I think he must be a foodie!"

  008: […] Well, it served.

   After a pause, it asked again: [Then what are your plans next? Do you really believe he's just here to eat your food? 】

   "Otherwise?" Ruan Tang rolled his eyes at him, "I'm still very self-aware."

   Ruan Tang: I am very self-aware!

  008: Haha.

   (end of this chapter)

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