Chapter 279 Suicide

   Ruan Tang decisively turned to the page that said "Xu Zhizhi" in the catalog and looked carefully.

   Ruan Yuting wrote this paragraph about Xu Zhizhi quite emotionally.

   Ruan Tang found out after reading the original text that the fourth male's name was Zheng Hongxuan.

   After hearing the bad news of Xu Zhizhi's accident, he knelt down and kowtowed, and it took a lot of thought to finally come here.

   However, it was too late when he came, not only did he fail to see Xu Zhizhi's last face, but he didn't even see the body.

   When he arrived, Xu Zhizhi had been burnt to ashes and packed in a low-quality black porcelain jar.

  Because the weather was too hot, her bones could not survive at all.

   Zheng Hongxuan collapsed when he saw Xu Zhizhi's ashes, but Xu Zhizhi's death was classified as an accident, and he couldn't even avenge Xu Zhizhi.

  The book says that at that time, Zheng Hongxuan was so heartbroken, as if he had lost his soul, he wandered aimlessly and met Ruan Yuting.

   Ruan Yuting saw that something was wrong with him, and was afraid that something would happen to him, so she stopped him from speaking.

   After seeing her, Zheng Hongxuan saw Xu Zhizhi's shadow in her body. After her enlightenment, he gradually came out of the despair of losing his lover.

   Therefore, Zheng Hongxuan took great care of Ruan Yuting, and even if she left, she insisted on writing letters to Ruan Yuting every month.

   He felt that Ruan Yuting was very similar to Xu Zhizhi. They were both kind and smart, and they were also tenacious and indomitable.

   He didn't want Ruan Yuting to wither prematurely like Xu Zhizhi, so he kept silently guarding Ruan Yuting.

   Zheng Hongxuan didn't know the truth of Xu Zhizhi's death at first, but he was unwilling to know that Xu Zhizhi's death was unclear, so he has been investigating the truth of the matter since then.

   It wasn't until several years later that he found out the truth of Xu Zhizhi's tragic death and told Ruan Yuting about it.

The chapter   【Borrowless Beauty】is about Xu Zhizhi's tragic death.

   At the end of this chapter, Ruan Tang was surprised.

  The above said that after Zheng Hongxuan told Ruan Yuting the truth, he decided to find the murderer who killed Xu Zhizhi and avenge her.

   But he searched for several years, but the murderer seemed to have evaporated from the world, and there was no news.

   Ten years later, Zheng Hongxuan suddenly told Ruan Yuting that he knew the whereabouts of the murderer and was going to avenge Xu Zhizhi.

   Ruan Yuting felt very uneasy and called Zheng Hongxuan to persuade him, but could not get through.

   Until the night seven days later, Zheng Hongxuan suddenly called her and said goodbye in a hoarse voice.

   Ruan Yuting heard his hoarse voice and had a very bad premonition, and immediately asked him what happened.

   But he only heard Zheng Hongxuan's hoarse cough, and then hung up the phone.

   She called again, but no one answered.

   A few days later, a policeman contacted Ruan Yuting and brought her news of Zheng Hongxuan.

  It turned out that Zheng Hongxuan died the night he said goodbye to her.

   Because he was alone at the time, the body was not found for several days.

   Later, the corpse stinks, so someone noticed something was wrong and called the police.

  Then the police investigated Zheng Hongxuan's call records and found Ruan Yuting, which finally determined the time of Zheng Hongxuan's death.

  Because Zheng Hongxuan died strangely, the police conducted an autopsy.

   According to the autopsy results, Zheng Hongxuan committed suicide by taking poison.

   Ruan Yuting was very sad when she found out and cried a lot.

   She guessed that Zheng Hongxuan loved Xu Zhizhi too much, so after avenging Xu Zhizhi, he chose to commit suicide.

   Ruan Tang saw such a story, even if she didn't like Ruan Yuting, she couldn't help but sighed.

   (end of this chapter)

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