Chapter 282 The hut where people died

  Xu Zhizhi soon burst into tears when he thought of Zheng Hongxuan and his parents.

   Although she and Zheng Hongxuan are separated from each other, they have kept in touch over the years, and their relationship has not only not become cold, but has gotten better and better.

   Just waiting for when we can reunite and then get married.

  Who knows, she has encountered such a thing.

   Now she has been poisoned by a strange poison. She has only three days left, and she can no longer fulfill her promise with Zheng Hongxuan, nor can she be reunited with her family.

  Xu Zhizhi cried too sadly, her shrill voice was full of despair, and Feng Ya also felt sad when she heard it.

  Feng Ya had to comfort her: "I know you don't cry, hurry up and eat something. I heard that Dr. Zhou from Shanhe Village is very good at medicine. Maybe he can cure you."

   Xu Zhizhi did not dare to hold on to this hope.

   She has been disappointed too many times these days. Every time she goes to the doctor, her health deteriorates.

   Now she only has three days. If she goes to see Dr. Zhou, she might not be able to last even a day.

   But she had to go.

   She has to remind the little girl.

  Xu Zhizhi tried his best to stop crying, and comforted Feng Ya as if nothing was wrong: "Yaya, I'm fine, you go back first, don't stay here, it's not good for people to see."

   But she had just cried, her voice was still a little hoarse, and her emotions could not be eased immediately.

   opened her mouth, and her voice was choked.

   After Feng Ya heard this, her tears could not be controlled.

   She knew that Xu Zhizhi didn't want to drag her down, and at the same time, she couldn't bear to let Xu Zhizhi persuade her any more.

   So she quickly said: "Zhizhi, I'm going back first, be careful."

  Xu Zhizhi said in the room, "Yaya, go back quickly, I'll go to Shanhe Village after I finish eating and rest for a while."

  Feng Ya gritted her teeth and retreated step by step.

   She looked at the dilapidated thatched hut where Xu Zhizhi lived, and her heart was sore.

   After Xu Zhizhi fell ill, someone brought it to the village.

  The villagers were afraid of being infected, and were very resistant to Xu Zhizhi.

   There are some extremes, and they are clamoring to burn Xu Zhizhi alive.

   Even some educated youths in the educated youth site were very repulsive to Xu Zhizhi and were unwilling to let her continue to live in the educated youth site for fear of being infected by her.

   She protested on behalf of Xu Zhizhi, but it was useless, and those people also drove her out.

  Xu Zhizhi didn't want to implicate her, so he took the initiative to move into this hut that was so dilapidated that it seemed like it was about to collapse at any moment.

   In fact, this hut has long since been inhabited, and a lonely old man lived in it before.

   Her man died outside after going out to fight. She had no children, so she lived alone inside.

   later died silently in the house, only to be found after several days.

  The villagers helped to bury the body, and the house was empty.

   At that time, the house was not as dilapidated as it is now, but everyone thought that it was too bad for people who died in it, and no one wanted to live in it, so it remained vacant.

   After a few years, the house has lost its popularity and become dilapidated, and no one wants to live in it.

  Xu Zhizhi also had no choice, so he moved in and lived there.

  Because apart from this shabby hut, there is no other empty house in the village for her to live in.

  The villagers were afraid that her strange disease would be contagious, and even if they had a spare room, they were reluctant to lend it to her.

   Even the educated youths who were educated youths were afraid of her.

   Feng Ya looked at the dilapidated and gloomy thatched hut, and felt sad for Xu Zhizhi.

   In the end, she couldn't help it, so she covered her mouth and ran away crying.

   (end of this chapter)

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