Chapter 292 is dying again

   Zhao Guangyuan took He Xiuqing to the only restaurant in town.

   When ordering, Zhao Guangyuan was very generous and ordered three meat dishes, as well as a cold dish and a soup.

   For many people at this time, such a dish was already very rich.

   After ordering, Zhao Guangyuan looked at He Xiuqing with a smile, waiting for her adoring eyes.

  I didn't want He Xiuqing to be very calm, and his face didn't change, as if these dishes were just ordinary.

   Zhao Guangyuan couldn't help being a little disappointed.

   But he suddenly thought of a possibility, and his heart became more and more hot.

   Zhao Guangyuan suddenly remembered that although this place is remote, there are many educated youths from the city.

  He Xiuqing looks so good-looking and has such a special temperament, she is definitely not a country girl.

   Her temperament cannot be cultivated in the village.

   Most of them are female educated youth from the city, who not only have culture, but also have seen the world.

Of course, people like    will not be deterred by this little scene.

   Thinking of this possibility, Zhao Guangyuan wanted to marry her more and more.

   He was born in mud legs. Eight generations of his ancestors were mud legs who shave food in the ground. There is no such person in the family as He Xiuqing.

   Although he is developed now, he is still looked down upon because he has no culture.

   He didn't want his future children to do the same.

  If he married a wife like He Xiuqing, not only would he have a bright face, but the children she taught would definitely be the same as the children in the city.

   And He Xiuqing is good-looking, and he is not too old, so he will definitely be able to give birth.

   The child she gave birth must be as good-looking as her.

   Unlike the wife he married before, she was black, fat and ugly, and she only gave birth to a girl who looked like a fire girl, and it was disgusting to look at.

   Fortunately, the woman is dead, he can find a woman to bear him a son!

   Zhao Guangyuan thought excitedly, but he still had a big smile on his face, but looking at He Xiuqing's eyes became more fiery.

  He Xiuqing sat across from him and saw his reaction clearly.

   She was secretly proud of herself, but her face was very gentle and decent.

   Then she pretended to be polite and said, "Did you order too much food? What if you can't finish it?"

   Zhao Guangyuan said proudly: "It's okay, these are just a few dishes, don't worry, you can definitely finish them!"

  He Xiuqing wasn't being sincere, but he was just pretending, and when he heard what he said, he stopped persuading him.

   Zhao Guangyuan took the opportunity to inquire about her.

  Although he was born with mud legs, he has long since cultivated a good eloquence by wandering outside all these years.

   Talking one by one will not make people feel rude at all, but it will make people feel good.

   Even though He Xiuqing disliked his appearance, after chatting with him for a while, he was convinced by his charm and felt that Zhao Guangyuan looked more pleasing to the eye.

   She had intended to befriend him, so the two of them chatted, and she revealed some of her own situation.

   For example, she is a female educated youth from the city.

   Another example is that she once went to high school and taught herself university courses. Unfortunately, something happened and she was sent to Shanhe Village.

   I have been working as an elementary school teacher all these years and have a daughter.

  He Xiuqing also deliberately mentioned that she was forced to marry Ruan Aizhou, and Ruan Aizhou was a rough person and did not understand her at all.

  The mother-in-law also deliberately targeted her, which caused the relationship between her and Ruan Aizhou to worsen.

   This time, it was because of her mother-in-law's provocation that Ruan Aizhou had a misunderstanding with her, not only divorced her, but also kicked her and her daughter out.

   (end of this chapter)

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