Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 301: miserable mother and daughter

   Chapter 301 What a miserable mother and daughter

   Ruan Yuting was quickly sent to the hospital for treatment.

   Zhao Guangyuan and He Xiuqing were also injured, but not as serious as Ruan Yuting.

   Zhao Guangyuan's forehead touched the windshield and was slightly swollen, in addition to a little scratch.

  He Xiuqing is the same, but her skin is more delicate than Zhao Guangyuan's, her forehead is not only swollen high, but also a lot of blue.

   Yet there are worse.

   The burnt part of her body was frayed.

   Those scalds had already been treated in the town and had been medicated.

   But after the blisters are punctured, a thin layer of skin is left.

  This layer of skin is very fragile, and a slight touch may rub it open, exposing the wound.

  The burn wound is very painful.

  He Xiuqing was very careful at first, for fear of touching the wound.

   Who knew that along the way, not only would she have to squeeze with Ruan Yuting, but Zhao Guangyuan would also brake suddenly from time to time.

   When two people are squeezed together, there will inevitably be friction in their bodies.

   On the way, she felt that the wound was rubbed, and her face was pale in pain.

   It was just that Ruan Yuting hit her foot. She was too worried about Ruan Yuting and worried that Zhao Guangyuan would be dissatisfied, so she held back and did not dare to call.

   Who knew that when he finally arrived in the county, he was about to go to the hospital, and a bicycle suddenly rushed out!

   Although Zhao Guangyuan avoided the bicycle and did not hit anyone, their car hit the streetlight.

   Not only did the car break down, but she and Ruan Yuting slammed into the front windshield!

   Now, Ruan Yuting's foot was broken again, not to mention her scalded blisters were all rubbed off, revealing large wounds.

   He Xiuqing's pain was going crazy. The pain was not much different from peeling skin.

   She endured the severe pain on her body, and after sending Ruan Yuting to rescue, she immediately pulled the doctor to help her deal with the burns on her body.

   Finally got a painkiller, and she felt better.

  After the injection, He Xiuqing lay weakly on the hospital bed.

   Zhao Guangyuan is not there.

  The car had an accident and he had to deal with it.

  He Xiuqing lay alone, not knowing what to do.

   She somewhat missed Ruan Aizhou.

  If Ruan Aizhou was here, he would definitely guard her instead of letting her lie here alone, frightened.

   But she has divorced Ruan Aizhou.

   And Nguyen Ai Chau is a peasant, so he has no future at all.

   The little money in his hand was still saved by her hard work.

   In comparison, Zhao Guangyuan is much more powerful than him.

   I had a car accident this time, and I don’t know how Zhao Guangyuan would deal with it.

   and her Tingting.

   Ruan Yuting had a broken bone last time, but this time she broke it again, won't she have any sequelae?

  He Xiuqing was worried.

   She lay down for a while, the more she thought about it, the more worried she became, so she went to the operating room again, anxiously waiting for news.

   Ruan Yuting's foot broke again before it healed, and surgery was necessary, not afraid that the broken bones inside would be troublesome.

  She was sitting outside the operating room, but her heart was up and down, and she didn't know what to do.

  This surgery, the cost is probably not low.

   And recovery after surgery also requires money.

What should she do?

  He Xiuqing quickly thought of Zhao Guangyuan.

   But she knew in her heart that she and Zhao Guangyuan just met by chance. Even if Zhao Guangyuan was interested in her, how long did they know each other?

   Will he help her out with the money?

  What should she do if he doesn't want to?

  He Xiuqing fell into contemplation.

   At the same time, a rickety figure came to Shanhe Village.

  Riwan, finally finished writing.

   (end of this chapter)

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