Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 308: The way to save Xu Zhizhi

   Chapter 308 The Way to Save Xu Zhizhi

  Xu Zhizhi was stunned when he saw the noodles.

   She hasn't eaten well since she was poisoned. She hasn't eaten such noodles for a long time.

   She couldn't help taking a breath, smelling the smell of noodles and sesame oil, her eyes were wet.

   "Thank you Tangtang, you are so kind to me."

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   is just a bowl of noodles, can you not make it so exaggerated?

   She was a little speechless, but looking at Xu Zhizhi's tearful eyes, she couldn't say anything unpleasant.

   She said helplessly: "The noodles have passed through the cold water, and they are no longer hot. The temperature should be just right, so hurry up and eat."

  Xu Zhizhi nodded and started eating soon.

   At this time, Ruan Tang said, "I have something to do when I go back to the room, you can eat first, I will be back soon."

   Xu Zhizhi didn't know what she was going to do, but she was kind, so she didn't ask anything, just nodded and said cheerfully, "Go ahead."

   Ruan Tang went straight back to the room.

   She wanted to try that method, but she wasn't sure if it would work, so she had to keep it closed.

   Otherwise, if there is any strange reaction at that time, she will not be able to explain it to others.

   After returning to the room, Ruan Tang took out a peach and ate it.

  The remaining peach pits were put away by her, and she planned to find a flowerpot to plant them and put them in the bedroom.

Before   , the peach pits were planted in the farm by her, but unfortunately, there has been no response until now.

   So she decided to change her method.

   She found that every time she practiced, 008 would deliberately stay by her side, rubbing the heaven and earth that she attracted.

  In that case, she planted the peach pit in the room, will it absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, and then germinate?

   Ruan Tang was not sure, just wanted to try it casually.

   Don’t waste time anyway.

After    put away the peach core, she started to run the exercises.

   There is a lot of content in "Medicine is the Tao", and it is no exaggeration to say that it is all-encompassing.

   In addition to cultivating mental methods, it also has many special martial arts and spiritual techniques, all of which are specifically aimed at medical practice.

   One of them is a spiritual art called "Spiritual Eye". After using it, the eyes can see some special things.

   For example, the energy of heaven and earth that is invisible to the naked eye.

   "Spiritual Eyes" are also divided into different levels. The beginners can only see the vitality of the sky and the earth. After reaching the intermediate level, they can see through, just like X-rays. At advanced levels, weaknesses can be seen.

   Even above Advanced, there is one more level.

   This level of "Spiritual Eye" is also called Heavenly Eye. When it is powerful, it can even see the past and future.

   It is not always possible to use spiritual magic to open the spiritual eye, and it also depends on the individual's talent.

   If you have a good talent, you may succeed in one shot, and even open the advanced spiritual eye directly.

  If the talent is not good, you have to use some drugs to assist, and it may take a few more times to be successful.

   It’s just that once the opening fails, it will cause damage to the eyes, and it will take at least a year to recover.

   So Ruan Tang deliberately ate a peach.

   She was afraid that her luck was too bad and her talent was not good enough, so she failed directly.

   If she hadn't met Xu Zhizhi, she wouldn't have taken the risk now.

   She had seen this spirit technique long ago, but she was afraid of failure and never dared to try it.

   Now in order to save Xu Zhizhi, I can only try.

  Otherwise, she can't even see the sickness now, and she can't see what poison Xu Zhizhi has been poisoned with. How can we save her?

   Ruan Tang ran the exercises first to adjust the body to the best state.

   Then she gritted her teeth and began to cast her magic.


Whether    can succeed or not depends on luck.

   I hope her talent is not particularly bad.

   (end of this chapter)

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