Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 310: Home... actually disappeared?

  Chapter 310 Ha... disappeared?

  008 was almost scared to death.

  Who will tell it, why is there such a terrible thing hidden in Ruan Tang's body?

   It doesn't know that it has such a terrible neighbor!

  The Great Demon King is too much, and he doesn't tell him such an important thing!

its not right.

   It clearly scanned Ruan Tang's body, but it found nothing at that time!

Did    suddenly appear?


   should have been hidden before, so it has never been found.

  Thinking about this, 008 suddenly had a weird feeling that he had been dancing at the gate of hell.

   So what the heck is that?

  008 looked at Ruan Tang nervously.

   Then it suddenly saw Ruan Tang opened his eyes and looked at it.

   Those eyes were cold and unfamiliar, definitely not the Ruan Tang he knew before.

  Who is this person?

  008 was so nervous that his whole body stiffened.

   This person gives it a terrible feeling, as if just one look can make it completely destroyed.

Who is she?

How did    wake up in Ruan Tang's body?

  Will Ruan Tang wake up again?

   Wasn't she robbed her?

  008 was worried when he suddenly saw "Ruan Tang" raised his head and smiled coldly in the direction of the sky.

   She actually disdains Heaven!

  008 was suddenly nervous.

  It's over, it's over. Although this person is very dangerous, he is also too capable of dying.

   Someone dares to provoke Tiandao like this, will Tiandao let it go?

  She is dead!

   As if to confirm its words, a thunderous roar suddenly came from the sky.

   The sound was especially loud, it sounded like a roar.

  008 shook his head secretly in his heart, look, it knows that Tiandao is angry.

   This man is dead.

   Who knew that "Ruan Tang" suddenly roared: "Go away!"

  008: 【! ! 】

  Fuck, fuck, fuck!

what's going on?

   At this time, she still dares to continue provoking the way of heaven!

   Are you so afraid of death?

   Dare to be so arrogant, and not be struck by five thunders?

   At this time, there was another thunder in the sky.

   Strangely, this roar was not as loud as before.

  008 heard that voice, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

  Why does it feel that the thunder this time seems a little cowardly?

  Illusion, right?

   Just thinking about it, it suddenly found that the terrifying pressure shrouded in it disappeared instantly.

  008 The whole dog was stupid and turned into an emoji.


   So, wasn't it just an illusion?

   Heavenly Dao, is this a confession?

  Nima why?

  The way of heaven actually has a time to admit counsel?

   Sure enough, the seniors are right, as long as you live long enough, you can see all kinds of strange situations.

   It was the first time he saw Tiandao admit counseling.

   must be recorded.

   Don't be afraid when you brag about other systems in the future.

  008 was excitedly recording, and when the recording was normal, it suddenly thought of Ruan Tang after realizing it, and hurriedly looked at her.

   As a result, I saw that horrible person again.

   The man looked at it with cold eyes and a warning.

  008 was almost scared to pee.

   Who knew she suddenly closed her eyes.

   It didn't take long for those eyes to open again.

  008 was instantly nervous, but found that his eyes had changed this time.

   It subconsciously asked: [Are you Ruan Tang? 】

   Ruan Tang looked at it with disgust: "Who am I not Ruan Tang? Do you have a virus in your brain?"

  008: […] You just got a virus in your brain!

Ruan Tang ignored it, but stretched out: "Hey, I'm really exhausted. I never thought that opening my spiritual eyes would be so tiring, my whole body was sore, it was like being crushed by something. the same."

  008: […]

   (end of this chapter)

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