Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 313: He's here to torture you

   Chapter 313 He is here to torture you

  Xu Zhizhi did not doubt Ruan Tang's words.

  Because she had no pain after vomiting just now.

"Thank you, I feel much better after I vomited." Xu Zhizhi said, thinking that Ruan Tang said she had a pulse just now, he couldn't help asking, "Have you studied medicine? Yes, it was you who saved the last time. Me, this time you saved me again, you are amazing."

   Ruan Tang looks much younger than her, yet she is so powerful.

   She is so useless.

   Ruan Tang continued: "I just forced out some poisonous blood for you, so you will feel better. But if the poison is not resolved, you will continue to suffer in the future."

   When she said this, she saw Tang Hongxiu and Jiang Chunshui come out, so she did not continue.

  Tang Hongxiu came over with quicklime, opened his pocket and started pouring quicklime into the basin.

   Ruan Tang looked down at the pot, and she could see an ominous black air lingering in the pot.

  When the quicklime is poured in, it quickly reacts with the water in it.

  Jiang Chunshui took a wooden stick and stirred it up, and the chemical reaction in it happened more fully.

   The bowl began to bubble up.

   As the heat rose, the black mass gradually dissipated.

   Seeing this, Ruan Tang stopped Tang Hongxiu and prevented her from pouring quicklime into it.

   "Mom, that's it, so much should be enough."

   Tang Hongxiu nodded and sealed the pocket again.

   Quick lime and rainwater will react chemically, so it must be sealed and stored.

   Seeing this, Ruan Tang said that he would take the pot and bury it in the mountains.

  Jiang Chunshui frowned when he heard it: "Go now? The sun is so strong, what should I do if it's in the sun? Why don't you leave this pot first and let your dad bury it when they come back."

   Ruan Tang said with a smile: "I will wear a hat, and I will definitely not be exposed to the sun. Moreover, there are many trees in the mountains, and it is very shady. As long as I go in, I will not be afraid of the sun.

  Dad and the others are also working hard outside. They must be exhausted after a busy day. Don't bother them with this trivial matter. "

  Jiang Chunshui thought for a while and felt that she had some truth in what she said, so she had to go with her.

   Ruan Tang saw that she had agreed and went to get the basin. Xu Zhizhi saw it, and quickly squatted down: "I'll take it."

  This pot is full of poisonous blood and filth she spit out. Although it doesn't look so scary after adding lime, it's still disgusting.

   Where did Xu Zhizhi have the nerve to let Ruan Tang take it?

   Anyway, after she vomited, she was much better, and she could still hold a bowl.

   She thought of this, and immediately tried it, and sure enough she picked up the basin.

   Then she felt the weight of the basin, and felt that she should have no problem holding it on the mountain, so she smiled at Ruan Tang: "Look, I can move it."

   Ruan Tang saw that she was going to take it, so she didn't persuade her. After going to get a small hoe, she put on her hat and called Xu Zhizhi out.

   Then the two went directly up the mountain, found a remote place, dug a pit and poured the filth in the pot into it and buried it deeply.

   After the burial was over, Ruan Tangcai continued: "You guessed it right, I did learn some medical skills from people.

   I just showed you that this poison of yours is the first time today. If you don’t detoxify it, it will happen once a day in the future, making you miserable.

   However, this poison is not fatal for the time being. Each attack will only cause you pain, and after the attack, as long as you spit out poisonous blood, you will feel a lot more comfortable.

   The person who poisoned you made it clear that he wanted to torture you. He should have been afraid that you would not give false testimony, so in order to force you to go, he gave you this kind of poison and tortured you every day. "

   (end of this chapter)

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