Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 317: This picture is so embarrassing

   Chapter 317 This picture is too embarrassing

   Ruan Tang frowned when he saw Xie Ci's reaction.

  How could the thank you speech be such a reaction?

   Is this situation normal for him?

   What was his identity before?

   What happened again?

How could    be attached to this body?

   She crossed over because of the spicy chicken 008, and why did she say thank you?

  I don't know why, but when she saw such a thank you speech, she suddenly felt a little distressed.

  Wait, feel bad?

   She must be out of her mind!

   It's all because of the sun, which made her brain dizzy.

   Ruan Tang stared at the sun in the sky unhappily, only to feel that it was dark in front of him, and then his foot stumbled.

   made her jump straight forward!

   Then he was pulled by a hand.

  Xie Ci reluctantly sounded: "Why do you walk so carelessly?"

   Ruan Tang blinked and felt that his eyesight had recovered, so he looked towards the ground.

   Only then did she realize that what tripped her up just now was a broken brick.

   I don't know who did it, but put the bricks in the middle of the road. I really have no morals at all!

   She explained dejectedly: "The sun is too dazzling, my eyes were blinded by the sun just now."

   "If you're okay, then I'll let it go."

   After saying thank you, he let go of his hand, not sloppy at all, as if he was in a hurry to draw a line with Ruan Tang.

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   She suddenly didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or to be depressed, and finally just gritted her teeth and strode towards the alley.

   The person who poisoned lives in this alley, and she has to find that person to settle the account!

  Because of the episode just now, she was very careful to look at the debris on the ground this time, and carefully avoided it every time, and finally did not trip over again.

   finally stopped in front of a dilapidated wooden door.

  This wooden door is really old, the paint on it has almost peeled off, and only bits and pieces of debris are still stuck to the door.

   There seems to be some paper pasted on the door, but it has been torn off.

   Only a corner of the piece is still stuck on it. If it can’t be dropped, it’s just killing obsessive-compulsive disorder.

   Ruan Tang looked at the old wooden door, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

   finally found a place, she just stopped making a fool of herself.

  Otherwise, Xie Ci still didn't know how to laugh at her.

   She thought about it and said to Xie Ci: "I have something to go in, do you want to go in with me, or wait outside?"

   She wanted to see how she would choose a thank you speech.

  Xie Ci said casually: "I'll go in with you, in case you get hurt, I won't be able to eat tofu tomorrow."

   Ruan Tang felt uncomfortable when she heard the word "tofu": "…"

   That's all, she doesn't care about foodies!

  Go ahead and talk about it.

  However, how do we get in now?

   Ruan Tang looked at the closed wooden door and narrowed his eyes.

   This wooden door is too old and looks particularly flimsy.

   But there are other people living nearby. If she kicks the door open with one foot, the movement will be too loud.

   Neighbors around you will definitely hear it!

   Thinking of this, Ruan Tang looked at the wall again.

   The wall here is about 1.8 meters in height, which is not particularly high.

   If you are running, you should be able to turn in.

   Ruan Tang took a few steps back and prepared to run.

   Who knows Xie Ci waved his hand, and the door opened automatically.

   Then he turned his head and looked at her without blinking: "What are you doing?"

   Ruan Tang, who was already posing: "???!!!"

   This picture is so embarrassing!

   She quickly stood up, walked over as if nothing had happened, and said coldly, "Go in."

   (end of this chapter)

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