Chapter 340 Monsters

   After all the toxins were removed, Ruan Tang wiped Xu Zhizhi's fingers with a disinfectant wipe, and then raised his hand, the golden needles on Xu Zhizhi's body flew up instantly and fell into her hands.

   She carefully sterilized each needle before carefully putting them away.

   When she finished all this, Xu Zhizhi was still drowsy. Ruan Tang gave her a pulse, and she had an inexplicable premonition that Xu Zhizhi would have to sleep for another hour before waking up.

  She took the basin and went out, disinfected it with quicklime, and took it to the mountains to bury it.


   At the same time, Qinghe Town.

  The old woman who was frightened by Ruan Tang ran to the house in fear. She was always suspicious on the way, and felt like those things were really behind her.

   She was getting old, and after running a few steps, she became out of breath and exhausted.

   can only stop and walk back.

   However, the closer she got to the house, the more the old woman felt panicked.

   She rubbed her chest a little uneasily and looked back again. Of course there was nothing behind, but she still felt uneasy.

  Finally, she walked back to the alley that was full of clutter.

  The alley seemed more gloomy.

   The old woman frowned and walked home. Because she was too panicked, she accidentally kicked the debris on the ground.

   Those clutter are piled up randomly and are very easy to fall.

  After the old woman kicked, the piled up debris fell down immediately.

   and other debris piled next to it also fell.

  The old woman was shocked when she saw this scene, but after a while, the work clothes fell to the ground, blocking her way.

  The old woman could only walk carefully through the gap.

   But she was even more uneasy.

   It is an alley that I have walked through many times, and there was no accident before, why is it suddenly happening now?

   Could it be that there are really those things behind her?

   They came to seek revenge on her?

  No no no, it must be fake, she doesn't believe it, the old man said that there is no such thing in this world!

   Fake, all fake! She can't panic.

   It's alright, it will be alright. She will be home soon, and the old man is at home. He is so powerful, he can definitely save her. Even if those things really existed, the old man wouldn't be afraid of them!

   Thinking of her husband's greatness, the old woman mustered up her courage again.

   She carefully avoided the clutter and walked into the alley. It was obviously not a long road, but the clutter blocked the road, making her walk very difficult.

   When she finally reached the door of the house, the old woman was completely relieved, opened the door and walked in.

   She didn't want to close the door and turn around when she was frightened and screamed: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

   Because as soon as she turned around, she saw a human-shaped monster lying on the opposite side of the door!

  The monster was festering all over, emitting a stench.

  What is even more frightening is that it seems to have crawled out of the house, and its face is actually facing the direction of the gate. Its eyes are swollen like toads, but their eyes are blood red.

   His face was still covered in black and red blood.

   As soon as the old woman turned around, she saw the monster staring at her, she was so frightened that she almost lost her soul!

   What the **** is this monster?

   How could it crawl out of the house?

   What does it want to do?

   What about the old man? Where did the old man go? Has he been...

  The old woman thought that her husband might have been eaten by a monster, and immediately screamed to open the door.

  She is running away!

   (end of this chapter)

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