Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 342: calculating again

   Chapter 342 is calculating again

   County Health Center, Ruan Yuting's surgery has been completed. She just fractured her right ankle again. The operation does not require general anesthesia, so the person is awake.

   After the operation, she was sent to the ward because her right ankle had been fractured before. This time, she suffered a violent collision, which resulted in another fracture, which aggravated the injury and required hospitalization for a period of time.

  He Xiuqing has always been worried about her, for fear that she will become disabled.

   So she didn't care about the burns on her body and stayed outside the operating room until Ruan Yuting came out.

   Then he followed him to the ward and sat beside the bed with him.

   Zhao Guangyuan went to the hospital again after solving the car accident and asked the doctor about the situation.

  The doctor thought he was a family member, so he didn't hide it and told him everything.

   "You can rest assured that your daughter's surgery was a success. As long as she recovers well, she will definitely not be left disabled.

   Just be very careful during recovery, and you must not collide again. "

   After a fracture, it is very fragile, and once the force is applied, it is easy to cause the broken bone to dislocate.

   Ruan Yuting had a severe collision this time, which directly aggravated the degree of fracture. If you were more careful, the injury would continue to worsen, and she might be left with disabilities.

   The wound on her palm also burst open again, but compared to the fracture, the wound on the palm can only be regarded as a small injury.

   means that after the wound has healed, the scar will definitely not look good.

   Zhao Guangyuan couldn't bear it when he recalled Ruan Yuting's appearance.

   Although he was very concerned about Ruan Yuting's existence, he didn't like raising a daughter for others.

   But Ruan Yuting is beautiful and fair, very flattering. It would be a pity for such a beautiful girl to be disabled.

   Zhao Guangyuan had several thoughts in his mind, and finally asked tentatively: "Doctor, how long will she need to be hospitalized for this injury? If it is cured, how much will it cost for the medical treatment?"

  The doctor said lightly: "The length of hospital stay depends on her recovery. If she recovers well, she will be discharged sooner.

  If the recovery is normal, you will need to stay for a few more days. She just moved in now, I'm sure I'm not sure, and I can't give you a ticket, can you understand?

   She was not seriously injured, and the medical expenses should not be too much, depending on her medication and hospital stay.

  You go and pay the surgery fee first, and then pay the hospital fee. "

   Zhao Guangyuan nodded understandingly: "I understand, I understand, I can live as long as I need to, as long as the injury is healed."

   He thought for a while and thought it would be good for Ruan Yuting to live in the hospital.

   In this way, he can help He Xiuqing.

   With Ruan Yuting there, it is not convenient for him and He Xiuqing to develop further.

   Ruan Yuting was injured and hospitalized, and He Xiuqing, a woman, must be too busy. If he went to help again, wouldn't he be familiar with He Xiuqing?

   In order to help He Xiuqing's mother and daughter move, he crashed the car, and he had to pay a lot of money to repair the car.

   He Xiuqing must never let the boiled duck fly, otherwise he would suffer a big loss?

   Zhao Guangyuan had an abacus in his heart, took the bill from the nurse, and immediately decided to find He Xiuqing.

  The bill has to pay more than 200 in total, which is not a small amount.

   He Xiuqing hasn't married him yet, so he doesn't plan to pay this money. What if it goes adrift?

In the ward, Ruan Yuting was blaming He Xiuqing.

   She didn't roar loudly, but looked at He Xiuqing so coldly: "If you didn't have to move, I wouldn't be like this."

   So when Zhao Guangyuan came to the ward, Ruan Yuting was fighting with He Xiuqing.

   (end of this chapter)

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