Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 349: Thank you, I ask you something

   Chapter 349 Thank you, let me ask you something

   Ruan Tang soon arrived at Xie's house.

   Seeing the dilapidated house of the Xie family, she was suddenly curious.

  Since Xie Ci was born again, what did he think when he saw such a broken house?

  Xie Ci lived in a big villa later, and the big villa she rented before she crossed over was Xie Ci's house.

   Having lived in such a big villa, and living in such a dilapidated house again, wouldn’t Xie Ci feel disgusted at all?

   Ruan Tang imagined Xie Ci's disgust, and couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune.

  What about the big guy?

  It is not necessary to live in a broken house after being reborn.

   She was having fun when the door suddenly opened, Xie Ci stood at the door and looked at her curiously: "What are you thinking? So happy?"

   Ruan Tang instantly restrained his smile, pretending that he hadn't laughed just now: "I'm here to borrow a bicycle, do you want to use it today?"

  Thank you, curious: "Are you going out again?"

   "It's not me, it's my mother who wants to buy something." Ruan Tang said here, thinking of Luo Xiangtian who deliberately tore his clothes, and felt the need to ask thank you.

   Just as she was about to speak, she saw a young man in the yard peeking out, so she had to say to Xie Ci: "Come out for a while, I'll ask you something."

  Xie Ci looked back at the boy and followed Ruan Tang out.

   When there was no one nearby, he asked, "What do you want to ask? Let's talk now."

   Ruan Tang did not treat him politely, and said straight to the point: "That Luo Xiangtian, has something to do with you?"

  Xie Ci suddenly laughed: "What did you find?"

Ruan Tang hesitated for a while, but still told about the clothes: "Last night, my dad brought a piece of clothing back and asked my mother to help me mend it. I only saw it today. It looked expensive and it was torn on it. The incision is relatively flat, as if it was deliberately cut."

  Xie Ci smiled and said, "Oh? So that's the case. I asked him to find some sewing work for your mother. It's better to sew the more valuable clothes. You can charge more."

   "He's your man?" Ruan Tang was a little surprised, but soon took it for granted, "So you asked him to do the work he introduced to my dad and the others?"

  Xieci said as a matter of course: "Otherwise? You can't give them money directly, right? If you give them a job like now, they can make more money without doubting anything."

   Ruan Tang suddenly felt that it made sense.

   She quickly thought of the pickup truck she had drawn last time, and said, "I have a pickup truck, why don't you give it to Luo Xiangtian for me and let him pass it to my dad?"

Xie Ci thought for a while, and quickly agreed: "No problem, I will tell Luo Xiangtian to let your father work part-time as a truck driver, and that small truck is usually driven. After a while, I will Said it was a reward for him and gave it to him."

   Ruan Tang thought this was a good idea and agreed immediately.

   However, since the minivan is to be driven by Ruan Aihua, it must not be taken out now.

  Otherwise, there are so many people in the village, they will definitely see it.

  There is an extra car in the village, isn't it going to scare people to death?

   Therefore, you must leave Shanhe Village first, then find a place where no one is around, take out the car, and drive to the town.

   Ruan Tang couldn't wait to think of this place. It was really inconvenient to not have a car at home.

   Although the minivan has only two seats, it is better than no car.

   Ruan Aihua worked part-time as a driver and could get an extra salary.

   However, since Xie Ci did this on purpose, he cannot let him out of the money.

   (end of this chapter)

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