Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 357: How could this be?

   Chapter 357 How can this happen?

   Ruan Tang finished grinding the beans, and then filtered the bean dregs with gauze.

   Wait for the filter to be well before simmering on fire.

  While cooking the soy milk, you need to keep stirring with a spoon, otherwise it will stick to the pan.

   She had just cooked for a while when Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian came back from outside with wild vegetables.

   Ruan Tang knew at a glance that they were going to dig wild vegetables.

   She hesitated for a while, but still didn't plan to persuade. The two children are sincere, and if she persuades them, it will backfire.

   So she said: "Where did you dig the wild vegetables? It looks very fresh and tender, and you did a good job. I will reward you with two more bowls of soy milk later."

When the    brothers got the compliment, they were so excited that their eyes narrowed with laughter.

   Ruan Mingjian excitedly asked for credit: "Sister Tangtang, we even watered the mushrooms. Those mushrooms are growing so well, they can be eaten soon!"

   "Okay, well done." Ruan Tang said after praising, "But do you have to be careful when you go out to dig wild vegetables in the future? You can't go to dangerous places, and you have to be careful of snakes, do you know?"

   The two brothers nodded obediently, and then volunteered to help Ruan Tang start the fire.

   After a while, the soy milk in the pot boiled.

   Ruan Tang smelled the smell and made sure that the soy milk was completely cut off, so he took out a stack of bowls, washed them, put a rock sugar on the bottom of the bowl, and then scooped the soy milk into it.

   The soy milk that has just been boiled is very hot, and it takes a while to drink it.

   Not long after, Jiang Chunshui, who went out for a walk, came back and brought Dr. Zhou back.

   Ruan Tang was a little surprised when he saw Dr. Zhou.

   But he saw Jiang Chunshui beckoning to Xu Zhizhi: "Zhizhi, come here soon, I invited Dr. Zhou over and asked him to take a look at you again. Is there any problem with your body?"

After she finished speaking, she said to Dr. Zhou: "Doctor Zhou, Zhizhi vomited black blood yesterday, but she seemed to be more comfortable after that. She slept and woke up differently today. Look, is she right? Are you all right?"

   Dr. Zhou was stunned when he saw Xu Zhizhi: "You...Are you all right?"

   He could remember that when Xu Zhizhi came to him yesterday, he was still wearing a winter coat, and his face was very bad, like a ghost.

   Who knew that Xu Zhizhi had changed a lot since he hadn't seen each other for a day.

  Xu Zhizhi glanced at Ruan Tang subconsciously. She remembered that Ruan Tang told her that the toxins from her body had been expelled, so she always felt that Ruan Tang saved her.

But she hesitated for a while, and didn't say it, she just said politely: "I don't know what's going on, but yesterday Tangtang cooked noodles for me to eat. After eating it, my stomach felt very uncomfortable and I vomited. .

   As a result, I vomited a lot of black blood, and after I vomited, I felt much more comfortable. After a good night's sleep, I actually felt that my whole body was much more relaxed and I was not afraid of the cold. "

   At the end, she pretended to be ignorant and asked, "Doctor Zhou, do you think I'm all right now?"

  Doctor Zhou was not sure if she was really okay, so he said, "I'll give you a pulse first."

   When he gave Xu Zhizhi a pulse, his expression changed immediately.

   First shocked, then puzzled.

   When he checked the pulse yesterday, although he couldn't tell what kind of poison Xu Zhizhi had been poisoned with, he knew that her pulse was very abnormal, and her body organs were also in very bad condition.

  Who knows if I take my pulse today, although Xu Zhizhi's body is still weak, it is not like yesterday, making people feel that there is no help at all.

How could this be?

   (end of this chapter)

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