Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 368: She used to be a big boss

   Chapter 368 She was actually a boss in her previous life

   Ruan Tang looked at his hands suspiciously, and a strange thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

   Could it be that she was actually a big shot in her previous life?

  Cough, would it be too stinky and shameless to think so?

   Ruan Tang struggled for a while, but decided to take one step at a time and wait for the change.

   What if that set of exercises is too awesome?

   Anyway, part of the ban has been lifted, and all the medicinal materials she needs now can be found.

  Thinking like this, Ruan Tang decided to go back first.

   It's getting late, she should go back to sleep.

   I had no dreams all night, and in a blink of an eye it was the next day.

   Ruan Tang got up early as usual, and went to the mountain to practice for an hour. Seeing that it was almost time, he picked some wild vegetables and walked back in one sentence.

When    arrived home, Ruan Aihua and the others had already set off.

  Although there is a small truck, you can save a lot of time on the road.

   They didn't dare to slack off, and still planned to go out at the usual time, and work first if they went early.

   So Ruan Tang didn't care, and went directly to the kitchen with the wild vegetables.

   In the kitchen, Xu Zhizhi was helping out again.

   Ruan Tang glanced at her and found that her complexion was much better than yesterday, so she knew that it was due to Lingquan Water.

  Xu Zhizhi's body is too weak, if he doesn't take good care of him, he will never recover so quickly.

   But she didn't even cook a medicinal meal for Xu Zhizhi, she just let her eat soy milk and bean curd made from Lingquan water.

   As one can imagine, it is all due to the spiritual spring water.

   It seems that even the low-grade Lingquan is an absolute good thing for ordinary people.

   Ruan Tang pondered secretly in her heart and decided to give her family more meals made from Lingquan water in the future to take care of her body.

   However, Xu Zhizhi's medicinal diet is also urgent.

   and He Xiuqing.

   That woman is cunning and vicious, even if she divorced Ruan Aizhou, and Wang Jinxue was a licking dog, it was too cheap for her to just drive her out!

   So after breakfast, Ruan Tang went to find a thank you.

   She plans to try the lottery again to see if she can win the bicycle.

   With her current age and the situation of the Ruan family, don’t even think about driving.

   So let’s be practical, get a bike and ride it first.

When    went to Xie's house, Ruan Tang saw the boy who was probing his brain again.

   However, Xie Ci didn't seem to like him very much, and quickly took her away from Xie's house.

   Ruan Tang was not used to being pulled away suddenly by Xie Ci.

   So in order to divert her attention, she decided to take the opportunity to draw a prize.

   Reciting "Ladies' Bicycle" in his heart, Ruan Tang buried himself in opening the system panel and started the lottery.

   Soon, a green card popped up.

   Ruan Tang was stunned for a moment.

   She just wanted to smoke an ordinary lady's bicycle, how could it be a green card?

   Isn't it a bicycle?

   Soon, she saw the prize this time.

   Ruan Tang was stunned, this prize is too…

   "Ruan Tang!"

Ruan Tang's shock was interrupted by a sudden shout of   . As soon as she looked up, she saw someone she didn't want to see.

   Zhang Yunwen, why is he again!

   Can this person pretend not to see it?

  What are you calling her for? They don't know each other!

   Zhang Yunwen also had a young girl beside him, it was Zhou Xiaoxue.

   Zhou Xiaoxue's eyes were extremely complicated when she saw Ruan Tang and Xie Ci.

  Since Ruan Tang stopped pestering Zhang Yunwen, she felt that her chance had come.

   Who knew that Zhang Yunwen was always thinking about Ruan Yuting!

   Zhou Xiaoxue was very confused about this.

   She felt that she should not be jealous or even resentful of Ruan Yuting, after all, Ruan Yuting's experience was already very bad.

   But I can't help but feel jealous.

   And this Ruan Tang, was she so good-looking before?

   (end of this chapter)

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