Chapter 378 Bad Luck Cover

   Seeing that the child's hand was about to grab the mask, Ruan Tang quickly freed up his hand and held down his dishonest little hand.

   "Little brother, this can't be touched!"

   Ruan Tang said coldly, let go of his little paws, got up and walked out.

   "Send to the hospital as soon as possible, don't delay."

   The steps that her six relatives did not recognize scared the surrounding neighbors to make way for her.

   But the kid was not afraid at all, seeing Ruan Tang's back disappearing at the door, he shouted in disappointment, "Big sister is gone!"

   His frightened grandma finally recovered, and nervously pulled him up and down to check: "Xiaobao, are you still in pain?"

   "It doesn't hurt anymore." The child looked innocent, and after speaking, he couldn't help pointing to the door and said, "Big sister is gone!"

   "Okay, okay, she's gone." His grandmother hugged him to comfort him, thinking of Ruan Tang's previous reminder, she felt remorse in her heart, "It's all my fault! She clearly reminded me just now! Why didn't I listen to it!"

   Neighbors looked bewildered, and they asked curiously, "Grandma Liu, what did you say? What reminder? Who was that person just now? He was dressed too strangely."

   Originally, they all thought that Ruan Tang was not a serious person when she dressed up, but they all saw that Ruan Tang saved someone just now, how could they say she was not a good person?

Grandma Liu said with a sad face: "She passed by here before and saw Xiaobao, and suddenly told me, let me take good care of him, and don't let him have an accident. I thought it was a human trafficker, but I didn't listen. As a result... Xiaobao really had an accident! "

   When the neighbors heard this, their expressions changed.

   Someone couldn't help but say, "Grandma Liu, have you met an expert?"

   But as soon as he finished speaking, he was scolded by another person: "Don't talk nonsense! You can't engage in feudal superstition now!"

   As soon as these words came out, the expressions of other people changed.

   Grandma Liu also said: "Yes, yes, let's not talk about this, I sent Xiaobao to the hospital, everyone should leave."

   They are staff dormitories here. Those who can live in it are all family members who work in the factory.

   If they are reported to be feudal superstition, they may lose their jobs!

   Now the job in the factory is in high demand, this is an iron rice bowl!

   However, although these people dare not say it, they still feel that they have met an expert.

  No one noticed that Wang Jinxue was outside.

   After hearing the movement, he rushed out with difficulty. Not only did he see Ruan Tang saving people, but he also heard what Grandma Liu said.

  Wang Jinxue couldn't help thinking of what Ruan Tang said to him, and his heart was very shaken.

   If he doesn't go to He Xiuqing to get the money back, will he really regret it for the rest of his life?

  But, why is that?

Although   1000 yuan is a lot, he won't regret it for the rest of his life for 1000 yuan, right?

  Wang Jinxue felt that he was not so careful.

   But soon, he thought of Xiaobao who had an accident.

   I quickly became uneasy.

  Is it possible that if he doesn't ask for the thousand dollars back, he will have an accident?

  He…what will happen to him?

  Wang Jinxue scratched his hair nervously, not daring to think about it any further.


   After Ruan Tang left the dormitory, he rode a motorcycle back to Shanhe Village.

   She originally wanted to trouble He Xiuqing, but when she observed Wang Jinxue with her eyes just now, she saw the car accident between He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting.

   They moved to the county seat, not too far away, but there were several accidents one after another.

   In the end, there was a car accident at the gate of the hospital!

   is simply a hood of bad luck!

   (end of this chapter)

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