Chapter 388 Kidnapped Girl

   Ruan Tang walked very neatly.

  The hospital smelled of disinfectant, and she didn't want to wait here.

   But before she left, she dug another hole for He Xiuqing.

   "Zhao Guangyuan is the president of the town's supply and marketing cooperative. He is currently climbing up his relationship. You should understand what he is most afraid of now."

   Leaving this sentence, Ruan Tang doesn't plan to take care of it anymore.

   She believed that as long as Wang Jinxue was not stupid, he would understand what she meant.

   Zhao Guangyuan is now at a critical time, and he is most afraid of making scandals.

   So he will probably borrow the money.

  Although it would be a little risky to provoke him, but Wang Jinxue's father's illness was waiting for no one, how could he dare to delay?

   Zhao Guangyuan would definitely be more reluctant to let go of He Xiuqing as long as he borrowed this thousand yuan.

   How else would he get the money back?

  The two of them are not good stubborn, they are just right together.

   Ruan Tang thought excitedly, and couldn't help but talk to 008: "Xiaohua, I suddenly discovered that I have the talent to be a matchmaker!"

  008: […] Haha!

   Who knows, Ruan Tang said again: "Xiaohua, why don't you send me a task? You see I have put He Xiuqing together with others, why don't you give me some reward?"

  008 seems to be deaf and has no reaction at all.

   Ruan Tang rolled his eyes speechlessly, and got into the car to find Ruan Mingxin.

   Ruan Mingxin worked as an apprentice in the only auto repair shop in the county, which was a little far from the hospital.

   When Ruan Tang rode his bike past, he didn't want to pass before the security situation, so he got into the alley.

   Who knew that not long after she entered, she heard someone calling for help.

   Ruan Tang was taken aback.

   At this time, 008 suddenly stopped pretending to be deaf, and sent her a task: [Side task, save the kidnapped girl, the task rewards 100 gold coins, do you accept it? 】

   Ruan Tang strongly suspected that it was because she complained that she didn't have a mission before, so 008 made one temporarily.

   She was a little concerned about the rewards and couldn't help but ask: "No points?"

  008 Lazily lying on his stomach: [No, love can't pick it up. 】

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   She hesitated, but decided to take a look.

  A kidnapped girl?

   Now that you have encountered it, you can’t wait until you die.

   Even in modern times, girls who are bullied may be pointed at by others, and finally forced to live.

   Not to mention this age?

   It's fine if she doesn't meet her, she can't help it when she meets her, and she just can't do it while watching a young girl in bloom.

   Ruan Tang immediately took over the task, then grabbed 008 who was slack at work and threw it out: "You come and lead the way!"

  008 rolled to the ground, glared at Ruan Tang unhappily, and decided to show her the way.

   Ruan Tang immediately followed.

   Afraid of disturbing people, she did not ride a bicycle this time.

   Anyway, the sound is pretty close.

   Sure enough, not too far away, she saw two men dragging a girl desperately in an alley.

  The girl struggled non-stop, but her mouth was probably blocked, so she couldn't call for help, and could only make a "woooo" sound.

   Ruan Tang suddenly thought of her when she saw her.

   She couldn't help but open her eyes to examine the girl carefully.

   After seeing this, she finally understood why she had a strange feeling just now.

   The kidnapped girl's name is Zhao Tiantian, and she's actually Zhao Guangyuan's daughter!

  If she doesn't take action, the girl will die tragically at the hands of those two.

   Zhao Guangyuan was very sad after learning of his death, and soon married He Xiuqing, and was very kind to Ruan Yuting, a cheap daughter.

   However, the reason why he is nice to Ruan Yuting is nonsense!

   (end of this chapter)

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